
(Marty) #1
Arthur Belebeau




Alexander Charles
is the creator of the Resist
strength class at Equinox
gyms in New York City

“Core engage-
ment is crucial
this move, plus
your biceps
remain under
tension from
curl to finish.”

Hover your phone’s camera
over this smart code to
see Charles demo his sig-
nature exercise. “This move
is challenging,” he says,
“so feel free to alternate your press with
your raise to get the hang of it first.”


INCREASING TENSION is a good thing in reps. As a
fitness pro at Equinox, Alexander Charles is a master at
programming for any workout tool, but he’s partial to
resistance bands. “The beauty of bands is that as the move-
ment ascends, the tension grows,” he says. “ You control
how far you take it.” That’s why he loaded this static lunge
press-lift combo with a band: As you lower into a lunge,
with the band under your front foot, you’re either curling
or overhead-pressing one end of the band and pulling the
other out to shoulder height. “You’re using so many mus-
cles at once—your shoulders, obliques, and legs—as you
work your balance,” Charles says. You can typically curl
more weight with biceps than you can lift with the medial
deltoid in your shoulder, but the band allows for both to
be challenged. “You can shorten the band on the biceps-
curl side, giving your shoulder side raise extra slack to
work with,” he says. “Remember, you set the tension.”

Now watch it in action

“You tap your
motor skills
by having to
level your
body to deal
with the
imbalance of
the tension.”

“While the resistance
of a dumbbell stays
the same, bands
provide variable
resistance—great for
growing strength.”
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