
(Marty) #1
Meal Time

Made Easy

Guest Edited by the #SHAPEsquad

SHAPE tasked two moms from our #SHAPEsquad, Tara Bench of Ta ra
Teaspoon and Melissa Griffi ths of Bless this Mess Blog, to reveal the best
go-to supermarket fi nds & meal prep tips for easy family meals, creative
lunches and quick breakfast solutions. Ease your back-to-school stress,
and make meal time easy with these time saving tips!

  1. BEST LUNCH PICK Lunchables Natural Turkey & Cheddar 2.BEST ON-THE-MOVE Trail Mix 3. BEST GO-TO FOR MEAL PREP Breakfast Egg Cups
    4. BEST TIME SAVER Sheet Pan Dinners 5. BEST DRESSED SALAD Bitten Dressing


Pause the stress and
embrace the mess of those
crazy days by serving up
new Lunchables with
Natural Meat and Cheese.
Your kids will have fun
building their own meal,
and you can check lunch
off your list. Win, win.

I make salads from anything I fi nd in the fridge, so
getting creative is key. I add Bitten Dressing to make
my meal craveable, and love that there are so many
fruity varieties. It’s truly the best of both worlds, I get
a creamy dressing made with real fruit, so my salad
tastes amazing—no matter what’s in my fridge!

DIY or store-bought
trail mix makes a great
on-the-go snack.







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