AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
-xSW 10416.667 -zSW 2351.499 \
-xOBS 800.133 -zOBS 81.086 \
-xCAR 4.703 -zCAR 119.000 \
-xLAB HN -zLAB 15N \
-ndim 3 -aq2D States \
| nmrPipe -fn TP \
| nmrPipe -fn ZTP \
| nmrPipe -fn TP -hyper \
| pipe2xyz -x -out ./fid/test_%03d.fid -verb -ov

  1. For estimation of errors of the nonlinear fits of CPMG relaxa-
    tion dispersion data,see[5, 12].


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