AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Prepare cells for FACS analysis as described in Subheading3.3,
    steps 13– 19 for suspension and adherent cells.

  2. Set up the flow cytometer with negative control cells. Adjust
    the forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) to place the
    population of interest on scale.

  3. Run positive control cells, and draw an interval gate to define
    the populations of interest.

  4. Once gates have been determined, sort the top ~10% of
    fluorescent-positive cells from the experimental samples.

Fig. 3(continued) detection. Single-cell sgRNA AMPKα1 Caco2 clones were selected based on puromycin
resistance (left part), and then single-cell sgRNA AMPKα2 Caco2 clones on a AMPKα1 knockout background
are isolated based on GFP fluorescence (right part). (B) Genome editing efficiency of AMPKα2 sgRNA in
AMPKα1-knockout Caco2 cells is assessed by capillary electrophoresis fragment analysis. (C) Western blot
analysis of AMPKαprotein expression in single-cell Caco2 clones isolated after sequential transduction with
lentivirus expressing “puromycin” CRISPR/AMPKα1 and “GFP” CRISPR/AMPKα2. Western blots were per-
formed using anti-panAMPKαand anti-β-actin antibodies. Each clone was analyzed in triplicate

184 Adrien Grenier et al.

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