AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
now contains unbroken cells and cell debris should be signifi-
cantly smaller. (SeeNote 2.)

  1. Filter the supernatant on ice (or in the cold room) using
    0.45μm syringe filters. The lysate is ready for the purification
    procedure; store on ice.Once lysate is ready for purification,
    proceed without delay to the nickel sepharose affinity
    7.Carry out all steps in a cold room at 4 ̊C.Clean and prewash
    a 5 mL nickel sepharose column with five column volumes of
    elution buffer (nickel B buffer) and then five column volumes
    of binding buffer (nickel A buffer).

  2. Apply the lysate to the nickel column at a rate of 2 mL/min
    using a stand-alone peristaltic pump or an A ̈KTA purification

  3. Collect the eluate as it passes through the column and label as
    unbound protein.

  4. Wash the nickel column with lysis buffer (about 200 mL) at a
    rate of 2 mL/min. Collect the eluate as it passes through the
    column and label as wash.

  5. If, as in this example, you are using an A ̈KTA purification
    system, connect nickel buffer A to line A and nickel buffer B
    to line B. Run the buffers through the lines, B before A.

  6. Attach the nickel sepharose column to the A ̈KTA and run
    nickel A buffer through until the baseline absorbance has
    been reached, that is, a flat unchanging absorbance at
    280 nm is observed. Then switch pumps off but leave the
    column attached. (SeeNote 3.)
    Day 2:

  7. Elute the protein from the column by running a linear gradient
    of nickel A and B buffers. First prepare the fraction collector
    (either 1005 mL tubes or a 96 deep-well plate). Set the
    gradient to 0–100% nickel B buffer over 200 mL and start the
    gradient. If using A ̈KTA set 0–100% nickel B, 100 min, at flow
    rate of 2 mL/min, end volume 200 mL and collect 2 mL
    fractions. Follow the absorbance at 280 nm. Normally, only
    one elution peak is observed, and corresponding fractions
    should be pooled. Typically select five 2 mL fractions on either
    side of the peak maximum.

  8. Visualize an aliquot of each fraction on an SDS-PAGE gel to
    confirm the presence of the AMPK complex protein subunits:
    mix 5μL of each fraction with 5μL SDS-PAGE sample loading
    buffer, heat at 95C, and load onto a 4–12% gradient gel at
    200 V for 35 min. 10μL of pre-stained protein standards are
    run alongside. After running the gel, remove and stain the gel

8 Julia A. Hubbard et al.

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