AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

2.2 Hydrolysis
and Development
Reagent Preparation

In this section we provide the components that are utilized by most
commercial glycogen detection kits, with their composition, and
method of action.

  1. Hydrolysis enzyme mix: Lyophilized mixture encompassing
    the amyloglucosidase enzyme.

  2. Hydrolysis buffer: This is an acetate buffer. Most kits use
    between 25 mM and 50 mM sodium acetate at pH 4.5.

  3. Development enzyme mix: It is a lyophilized mixture that
    encompasses the glucose oxidase enzyme. This enzyme oxi-
    dizes glucose molecules to produce gluconic acid and hydro-
    gen peroxide.

  4. Development buffer: This is a concentrated phosphate buffer at
    pH 7.4. Most kits utilize between 0.1 M and 0.5 M K 2 HPO 4.

  5. OxiRed probe also called Amplex Red: It is a lyophilized pow-
    der of 10-acetyl-3.7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (ADHP). It is a
    highly sensitive and stable substrate for horseradish peroxidase
    (HRP) that specifically reacts with hydrogen peroxide to pro-
    duce resorufin that could be detected by colorimetric
    (lmax¼570 nm) or fluorimetric (Ex/Em¼535/587 nm)
    detection methods.

2.3 Glycogen
in Standard Curve
and Samples

  1. Black flat bottom 96-well plate (if performing the fluorimetric

  2. Clear flat bottom 96-well plate (if performing the colorimetric

  3. Glycogen standard (2 mg/ml, provided in the commercial
    glycogen determination kit).

  4. ELISA microplate reader.

3 Methods

All procedures should be carried out at room temperature unless
specified otherwise.

3.1 Cell Lysis
and Glycogen

  1. Grow the cells in 100 mm diameter dish (seeNote 1)at37C.
    Harvest the cells when they reach ~80% confluence. Place the
    plates on ice.

  2. Wash the cells three times with PBS buffer to remove the
    remaining glucose molecules from culture medium.

  3. On ice, add 300μl of 30% potassium hydroxide and scrape the
    cells (seeNote 2).

  4. Transfer the samples to Eppendorf tubes and boil at 95C for
    10 min to inactivate the enzymes (seeNote 3).

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