Antibiotic Resistance Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(C. Jardin) #1


  1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper sealing
    of the Gene Frame on the slide. Do not remove the upper
    plastic cover at this step.

  2. This step should be done quickly. The best is to hold the cov-
    erslip in one hand while pipetting the agarose with the other
    hand. This allows putting the coverslip rapidly on the warm
    agarose, preventing it from solidifying and making the agarose
    pad very flat. This will assure the unique microscope focus
    across the entire microscope field. Therefore, all imaged cells
    will be exploitable for analysis.

  3. Try avoiding the air bubbles while pipetting the agarose as the
    air bubbles have high autofluorescence.

  4. Make sure that the agarose pad dries enough after plating the
    cells on it and before putting the coverslip. White traces of the
    liquid become visible on the agarose pad that is ready for
    imaging. Otherwise, if the agarose pad is not dry enough, the
    cells will not attach to it, they will swim, and the imaging will
    be impossible.

  5. Make sure that the agarose pad does not dry too much and
    become wrinkled. This will prevent the proper sealing of the
    coverslip to the agarose pad and degrade the image quality.

  6. Avoid the fields with cells in double layer and also fields where
    too many cells are sticking to each other. In such cases the foci
    detection will be difficult.


This work was supported by the ANR young researcher grant
ANR-14-CE09-0015-01 to M.E., and by Idex ANR-11-
IDEX-0005-01 / ANR-11-LABX-0071 and AXA Research grants
to I. M.


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Marina Elez et al.
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