Birds of Oman

(singke) #1



Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto RB, WV
L: 31–34. Medium-small, sandy-brown dove with narrow black half-collar on hindneck (absent
in juvenile). Confusable with African Collared Dove, which see. From European Turtle Dove by
unspotted sandy-brown forewing (dark spotting in Turtle), neck collar, whitish underwing (dark
in European Turtle), plainer uppertail (bold pattern in European Turtle), absence of well-defined
whitish belly-patch, grey undertail, longer tail and less rapid flight with less jerky wingbeats and
shorter, more rounded wings. Voice Loud, deep, trisyllabic coo-cooh-co with stress on middle
note, which is also drawn-out and highest in pitch (Barbary Dove stresses first note). Habitat
Towns, villages, parks, fields; often in flocks. Note Ongoing range expansion in Arabia; some winter

African Collared Dove Streptopelia roseogrisea rb
L: 29. Similar colour and pattern on upperwing, tail-corners and underwing as slightly larger
Eurasian Collared Dove. Best separated by white lower belly and undertail-coverts (dirty grey in
Eurasian Collared), rather shorter tail, more obvious eye-ring and by voice. Dark border to entire
trailing edge of pale underwing. Young birds paler than adults, being whitish-grey on head and
underparts (paler than Eurasian Collared). Gregarious, sometimes mixes with Eurasian Collared
Dove. The domesticated Barbary Dove S. risoria is very like African and Eurasian Collared Doves but
paler creamy, with clean white undertail-coverts, and lacks contrasting dark primaries above. Voice
Distinctive, high-pitched drawn-out note followed by a short pause then a series of broken,
descending rolling notes, crooo, cro-cro-crococo or cruu... currruuu; at distance sounds disyllabic
croo... cooorrr. Habitat Semi-desert and savanna with trees; also mangroves, parks. Note Range
expanding; probably introduced Kuwait; vagrant Bahrain.

Red Turtle Dove Streptopelia tranquebarica V
L: 23. Small, compact, short-tailed dove with black collar on hindneck. From larger Eurasian Collared
Dove by combination of red-brown (male) or warm-brown (female) mantle and wing-coverts,
darker ash-grey lower back and uppertail with more defined white corners, browner breast
(vinous-brown in male), whitish vent and undertail-coverts (grey in Eurasian Collared) and darker
underwing (pale in Eurasian Collared). Laughing and European Turtle Doves have darkish underwing
but both lack hindneck collar. Fast flight like European Turtle Dove. Voice Dry, rattling, rhythmic ruk-
a-duc-doo, quickly repeated. Habitat Open wooded country. Note Vagrant Iran, Oman, UAE.

Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis RB
L: 26. Small, dark red-brown to sandy grey-brown dove, with black-spotted patch on foreneck and
upper breast, unspotted red-brown upperparts and large, blue-grey area on outer wing-coverts.
Uppertail less contrasting than in European Turtle Dove. Juvenile lacks patch on foreneck and is
duller. Population in SW Arabia is rather dark in plumage. Flight close to Eurasian Collared Dove but
note short rounded wings and long tail. Gregarious; usually abundant. Voice Usually five syllables,
subdued cooing with third and fourth notes slightly longer and higher in pitch, do, do, dooh, dooh,
do. Habitat Towns, villages, gardens, oases and agricultural areas. Note Recent extensive range
expansion in region. [Alt: Palm Dove]

Namaqua Dove Oena capensis RB, PM, WV
L: 29 (including 9cm tail). Very small, slim dove, blue-grey or grey-brown with long, pointed black
central tail feathers, recalling large Budgerigar. In flight, black primaries show large red-brown
patch, rump with two transverse black bands. Male has black face and upper breast, which are
brownish-grey in female. Juvenile barred black and buff on crown, throat, wing-coverts and back.
Flight very fast and direct. Unobtrusive; spends much time on the ground. Voice Mournful hu-hu,
hu-hu; also a deep coo. Habitat Savanna and semi-desert with thorn-bush or scrub. Note Range
expanding in Arabia.
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