Grey-throated Martin Riparia chinensis V
L: 12. Small, mouse-brown above with greyish-white underparts merging into darker greyish-
brown upper breast, throat and head; lacks breast-band of Sand Martin, has shorter tail accentuating
broader-based appearance to wings, thus recalling larger Pale Crag Martin; differs from that species
in more fluttering flight, lack of white tail-spots and by white vent/undertail. See also Pale Martin.
Flight and behaviour similar to Sand Martin. Voice Soft dree-dree or dree-err, dree-err, not as dry or
buzzy as Sand Martin. Habitat Rivers, lakes, grasslands. Note Rare in UAE as mapped; vagrant Oman,
Saudi Arabia, Yemen. [Alt: Formerly Brown-throated Martin Riparia paludicola]
Sand Martin Riparia riparia PM, wv
L: 12. Small, dull brown-and-white martin recalling Grey-throated Martin; distinguished by white
underparts with well-marked brown breast-band (though paler and indistinct in juveniles) and
slightly longer and more deeply forked tail. From Pale Crag Martin by fluttering flight action, breast-
band, white lower underparts and lack of white tail-spots. Juvenile has scaly, buffier upperparts and
poorly defined breast-band (see also Pale Martin). Voice Usual call in flight is a vowel-less, rasping
repeated tschr or zrrrr-zrrrr, persistent and slightly buzzy in groups; louder chirr given in alarm. Habitat
Open country with wetlands. Widespread on migration, though usually over water or grasslands.
Nests colonially in tunnel excavated in sandy bank. Note Passage hatched; some winter in S Arabia.
Pale Martin Riparia diluta V
L: 11.5. Marginally smaller than Sand Martin (with which may consort, although respective flocks
typically remain separate), being pale mousey grey-brown above, with breast-band ill-defined
or absent, and less deeply forked, almost notched, tail. Also has slightly paler underwing; off-
white throat, with ear-coverts smudged dingy-brown and their lower edge not clear-cut. Note
young Sand Martin often has poorly defined breast-band, and some individuals perhaps not safely
separable. Voice Usually silent in winter but quiet, sweet chatter sometimes audible; not heard to
give the ‘buzzing’ characteristic of Sand Martin. Habitat As Sand Martin, over water or irrigated
grasslands. Note Passage and winter hatched (variable numbers annually); vagrant Oman.
Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris pm, wv
L: 14.5. Large broad-winged, brown martin, almost square-tailed, similar to smaller and typically
paler Pale Crag Martin but larger, more heavily-built, with darker upperparts lacking greyish tinge
to rump; cheeks fairly dark, usually contrasting with pale throat and underparts; fine spots on
chin and throat (can be hard to see). Underparts buffish-grey becoming darker towards undertail;
white spots in spread tail as in Pale Crag Martin but underwing-coverts distinctly darker than
flight feathers. Flight more swooping and diving than in most other hirundines. Voice Song a quiet
twittering; in flight a short chip or chirr. Habitat Mountain gorges and rocky inland and coastal cliffs.
On passage in more open country. Note Passage hatched, but rare in south; some winter in Arabia.
Pale Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne obsoleta RB
L: 12.5. Similar to larger Eurasian Crag Martin but usually discernibly smaller and paler, more grey-
brown; upperparts, especially back and rump, appear slightly greyer than wings; underparts off-
white including chin (lacking dark spots of Eurasian Crag Martin) merging into pale mouse-grey
undertail-coverts; less contrasting head pattern though ear-coverts sometimes darker than crown;
underwing pale grey with brownish-grey coverts contrasting much less than in Eurasian Crag
Martin (overhead, against light, may look confusingly close to Eurasian Crag). Voice Dry, rather
quiet twittering and repeated single drrrrt. Habitat Hilly country with gorges and ravines, but often
also lowlands near habitation in sand desert, towns and cities, where it will nest on low or high-rise
buildings. Often over wetlands near breeding areas. Builds open half-cup-shaped nest in caves, on
cliff or under eaves of building. Note Vagrant Kuwait. [Alt: African Rock Martin]
Common House Martin Delichon urbicum pm
L: 12.5. Smaller than Barn Swallow; easily recognised by bluish-black upperparts with striking
white rump and all-white underparts; short, forked tail with white undertail-coverts and rather
dark underwings. Juvenile duller with brownish wash on head and breast-sides. Flight more
fluttering than Barn Swallow with long glides often high in air. Frequently perches on wires.
Gregarious, migrating in flocks. Voice Commonest flight call a short dry warbling prrlit, often
sounding conversational. Gives repeated high trilled scheeer in alarm. Habitat Mountains, hills,
villages. Mud nest built under eaves of house, on cliff or in cave. Note Passage hatched; some
winter in Arabia.