Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica PM, WV
L: 16 (including tail streamers). Easily distinguished by bluish-black upperparts, long tail-
streamers, (small white patches visible in tail when spread), chestnut forehead and throat, and
solid dark breast-band; underparts buffish-white including underwing-coverts. Some subspecies
have underparts reddish-buff. Juvenile lacks tail streamers, has brownish breast-band and pale
rusty forehead. Flight is strong and elegant with much banking and turning, often hunting rather
low. Often perches on wires with other hirundines. Voice Song a melodious twittering; contact call
witt-witt, alarm call disyllabic tsi-wit. Habitat Open cultivated country with settlements; over any
area on migration. Nests on ledge in building. Note Passage and winter hatched, but absent from
north in winter.
Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii pm, wv
L: 16 (including tail streamers). Slightly smaller than Barn Swallow, without breast-band. Clean-
coloured with rich blue upperparts and eye-mask, white tail patches as in Barn Swallow, rufous-
chestnut crown and rather square-ended tail with long, fine outer tail feathers (shorter in female
and often difficult to see in flight); underparts gleaming white including underwing-coverts with
bluish flanks and broken vent-bar. Juvenile Wire-tailed Swallow lacks tail streamers, has almost
square tail, dull bluish wings, brown back and crown with darker eye-mask; underparts as adult.
Flight similar to Barn Swallow, but with more compact, triangular outline discernible. Often joins
other hirundines. Voice Call a sharp tchik. Habitat Along rivers, over lakes, grasslands. Note Winter
hatched, but rare.
Lesser Striped Swallow Cecropis abyssinica V
L: 19. Rather slim with deeply-forked tail. Only confusable in region with Red-rumped Swallow but
easily told by chestnut crown and rump, black streaks on underparts (variable, but usually only
faintly streaked on breast in some Red-rumped Swallow), pale chestnut underwing-coverts and a
broad white band on undertail. Juvenile has shorter outer tail feathers. Voice Descending series
of squeaky notes. Habitat Open areas, as other swallows. Note Vagrant Oman (from Africa).
Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica pm, wv
L: 17 (including tail streamers). Closely resembles Barn Swallow but easily told by rufous collar and
broad pale rufous rump; underparts, including underwing-coverts, buffish-white, faintly streaked
(but variably so, streaks obvious in some, almost absent in others), undertail-coverts striking black;
lacks breast-band and white in tail. Juvenile browner with paler collar and rump, and shorter outer
tail feathers. Flight slow and graceful, frequently gliding for longer periods than Barn Swallow, with
tail flared or closed. Voice Usually rather quiet. Song shorter and quieter than Barn Swallow; in flight
a short soft nasal tweit, reminiscent of House Sparrow. Habitat Inland and sea cliffs, cultivated
areas; in flat country frequents bridges and buildings. Builds flask-shaped mud nest with spout-
shaped entrance in caves, under overhang, bridge or on building. Note Has bred UAE; passage
hatched; some winter in S Arabia.
Streak-throated Swallow Petrochelidon fluvicola V
L: 11. Diminutive and front-heavy; dusky throat and upper breast seen at close quarters is strongly
dark-streaked; thighs with dark flecks. Crown dingy brown (immature) to ginger-chestnut (adult),
rump contrastingly brownish. White streaks on mantle in adult. Tail only slightly forked. Viewed
overhead can resemble Brown-throated Martin, but more compact and thickset. Often joins flocks of
other hirundines. Voice Not heard from vagrant individuals. Habitat Lakes, ponds and open country.
Note Vagrant Oman, UAE (from Asia). [Alt: Indian Cliff Swallow]