White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea V
L: 28. Size and flight much as in Mistle Thrush but shyer and skulking, never far from dense cover.
Bold crescentic markings on upperparts and underparts diagnostic; ground-colour above
yellowish, below white. In flight, bold black-and-white bands across underwing also diagnostic,
but often hard to see when flying low to cover; rump and uppertail-coverts with crescentic pattern
to tail-base. Tail tricoloured with pale, whitish, corners. Usually on ground; when flushed will
fly up onto branch, where may ‘freeze’ motionless. Voice Call a drawn-out ziie, seldom heard.
Habitat Dense undergrowth, woodland. Note Vagrant Oman.
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos WV, PM
L: 22. Small thrush with entirely warm brown upperparts and blackish spots on whitish underparts
which are often washed buff on breast. In fast, straight flight shows buff underwing-coverts. In
winter seen singly or in small scattered groups, often shy. Voice Powerful song (unlikely to be
heard in Arabia) alternates between fluty and shrill sharp notes, usually repeated 2–4 times, di-du-
weet, di-du-weet, di-du-weet; dwi-dwi-dwi; du-drid-du-drid; peeoo-peeoo-peeoo-peeoo. Call a short
sharp zit or zip. Habitat In winter and on passage, in open country with scattered trees and bushes.
Note Winter hatched, but rare in S Arabia.
Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus V
L: 28. Large thrush, resembling upright, outsized Song Thrush. White underwing-coverts
conspicuous in flight. Upperparts grey-brown with white corners of uppertail visible on landing.
Powerful flight slightly undulating and quite different from that of smaller Song Thrush. Appears
pot-bellied, with stance more upright than other thrushes. Bold but often fairly shy. Voice Flight
call a loud, dry churring trrrrrr, delivered repeatedly and more vehemently when alarmed. Habitat In
winter in open country, fields with trees, grassland. Note Winter hatched, but rare Kuwait; vagrant
Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Common Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis PM, wv
L: 19. Rather small and short-tailed with longish pointed bill. Adult male easily told; in winter entire
plumage edged dark and white producing scalloped effect. Female and first-winter birds browner,
similar to winter male, resembling female Blue Rock Thrush but with pale spotting on upperparts,
rusty tail, and scaling on warmer buffier underparts. Often shy and elusive. Voice Song similar
to Blue Rock Thrush but less melancholic. Calls include a loud chak. Habitat Rocky, barren
uplands; almost any habitat on passage. Note Passage hatched; very rare in winter Iran, S Arabia.
[Alt: Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush]
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius PM, WV
L: 21. Slightly larger and longer-tailed than Common Rock Thrush and with longer bill. Male has all-
dull inky-blue plumage (looks black at distance); in winter can show fine buffish fringes. Female dark
brown, resembling female Eurasian Blackbird but has longer bill, shorter tail and dull buff spotting
and barring on underparts; some show bluish tinge to upperparts. Fairly shy but will sit in full view,
remaining quite still. Sings in winter quarters. Voice Blackbird-like far-carrying song, melancholic,
the short, fluty phrases interspersed with long pauses. Calls include a hard chak and high tsee.
Habitat Rocky deserts, mountains and cliffs; often on buildings, even in cities on passage/winter.
Note Passage and winter hatched.