Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas V
L: 48. W: 120. Slightly smaller than Cory’s and Scopoli’s Shearwaters, which it resembles in
general plumage and flight, but distinguished by white face and off-white head, streaked with
brown. Upperparts dark brown, darker than both Cory’s and Scopoli’s and usually lacking any pale
on uppertail-coverts. Underparts white with dark patches near the shoulders, more restricted
and contrasting than in Cory’s and Scopoli’s. Underwing white with dark flight feathers but with
diagnostic dark patch on primary coverts. Bill slender, grey (never yellow like Cory’s and Scopoli’s)
with darker tip. Flight similar to Cory’s and Scopoli’s but with slower, more elastic wingbeats and
less shearing. Habitat Maritime. Note Vagrant Gulf of Aqaba and Arabian Sea, from western Pacific.
Scopoli’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea V
L: 46. W: 113. Large shearwater with yellowish bill and lack of clear demarcation between grey-
brown head and white chin and throat. Underwing white with narrow brownish margins and
may show ill-defined whitish band at base of uppertail. Flight relaxed with fairly slow wingbeats
interspersed with long glides, often in arcs above the waves, on characteristic bowed wings.
Scopoli’s Shearwater has been recently split from Cory’s Shearwater and they remain very difficult
to separate. Scopoli’s is slightly smaller than Cory’s, with thinner, duller bill, slightly narrower
wings with white on underwing typically extending in fingers on the primaries, but separation
obviously only possible at close range or by careful examination of photographs taken. Habitat
Maritime. Note Vagrant Iran and Oman, from Mediterranean (all older records assumed to be
Scopoli’s and not Cory’s Shearwaters).
Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris borealis V
L: 46. W: 113. Large shearwater almost identical to Scopoli’s Shearwater (which see), but slightly
heavier with brighter yellow bill and more solidly demarcated dark ends to primaries below.
Most will be indistinguishable unless seen well at very close range. Habitat Maritime. Note Vagrant
Oman and UAE, from Atlantic Ocean.
Persian Shearwater Puffinus persicus sv
L: 32. W: 70. Small; upperparts brownish (but looks black unless close) extending to about level of
eye, often showing suggestion of a whitish forehead and supercilium, especially in autumn
birds. Underwing with dark axillaries extending in a dark wedge onto most of the secondary
coverts and a broad dark trailing edge to whole wing. Legs pink. Fast wingbeats interspersed with
short low glides, though often rising in low arcs in strong winds. At fish shoals patters over sea with
outstretched wings. Habitat Maritime. Note Throughout year in hatched area; rare in Arabian Gulf.