Birds of Oman

(singke) #1



African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus V
L: 80. W: 112. Unmistakable with black-and-white plumage, long black scapulars drooping over
rear end and long, decurved bill. Juvenile has mottled head and neck. In rather heavy flight, shows
diagnostic black line on rear edge of wings; longish neck and legs protruding just beyond tail.
Habitat Wetlands, cultivated areas, coastal marshes, parks, large gardens; nests colonially in trees.
Note May breed Iran; feral population in The Gulf; vagrant Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia.

Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus WV, pm, sv
L: 65. W: 90. Blackish with long, decurved bill but close views show adult to have deep purple-
chestnut plumage, glossed green on wings. In breeding season has white marks at base of dull
pink bill; in winter, bill brownish with fine pale streaks on head and neck. Juvenile much duller.
Fast wingbeats in flight often interspersed with long glides; frequently flies in line-formation.
Habitat Freshwater wetlands and marshes; nests colonially in reedbeds, occasionally in trees.
Note Passage hatched; some winter.

Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia WV, pm, sv
L: 85. W: 120. Heron-sized with all ivory-white plumage, characteristic black spatulate bill with
yellow tip and black legs. Adult has nape plumes and yellowish neck-band, which are lost in
winter. Immature has dull flesh-coloured bill and legs and black wing-tips. In flight, neck extended
and wingbeats fast and shallow, interspersed with short glides, usually in small groups in line-
formation. When feeding keeps in close groups, unlike egrets and herons, sweeping head from
side to side, with bill submerged. Often asleep by day, with head on back and bill hidden, but ivory-
coloured plumage and closeness of birds to each other aids identification. Habitat Shallow open
water and mudflats; nests colonially in reedbeds, islands and trees. Note Passage hatched; winters
widely from S Turkey southwards.

African Spoonbill Platalea alba V
L: 90. W: 130. Similar to Eurasian Spoonbill in structure and plumage but differs in having bare
skin of face red and, in adult, grey bill, edged red, and pinkish or red legs. No nape plumes or
yellow on neck. Juvenile has reduced red skin on face (no red skin on face of Eurasian Spoonbill),
black wing-tips (like young Eurasian Spoonbill) and dusky-yellow bill, which overlaps in colour with
that of Eurasian; legs of juvenile are blackish (becoming red with age) whereas legs of young
Eurasian Spoonbill dull flesh-coloured. Habitat Lakes, marshes, coastal lagoons and mudflats.
Note Occasional Yemen, where may have bred; vagrant Oman.
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