Amur Falcon Falco amurensis pm, wv
L: 26–32. W: 65–75. A small falcon, smaller than Eurasian Hobby which it resembles in flight
silhouette. Adult male is uniformly dark grey with conspicuous, pure white underwing-coverts, red
thighs and undertail-coverts, grey tail and paler grey underparts than upperparts. Bill and legs bright
orange. (Closely resembles Red-footed Falcon F. vespertinus – not yet recorded in Oman – and
separated from that species by white underwing-coverts.) Adult female is white below with warm
buff thighs and streaked breast, boldly barred flanks and lightly spotted underwing-coverts; dark
crown and short moustache contrast with white cheeks. Juvenile and immature resemble Eurasian
Hobby but note white ground-colour below and darker crown. White underwing-coverts appear
on male at one year of age. Female and juvenile told from Eurasian Hobby by barred undertail,
smaller moustache, paler underside, flight and hovering. Habitat Cultivation, lightly wooded areas.
Note Passage hatched, uncommon, but regular in S Oman; vagrant Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen.
Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae V
L: 39. W: 97. Long-winged, long-tailed, recalling Eurasian Hobby but larger. Flight swift and agile
or relaxed with slow wingbeats. Pale morph recalls Eurasian Hobby but has darker underparts
and dark, unmarked underwing-coverts contrasting with pale-based, unbarred flight feathers;
at distance looks dark below except for pale throat and cheeks. Dark morph (25% of population)
uniform blackish-brown; from male Red-footed Falcon by size, proportions, flight, underwing-
pattern, dark primaries above and lack of red thighs. Juvenile (both morphs) paler below than adult
pale morph. Told from Eurasian Hobby by dark underwing-coverts contrasting with paler flight
feathers, which have dark trailing edge; also thinner moustache. Often hunts in flocks, especially
at dusk; catches insects in flight, sometimes hovers or stoops. Breeds as Sooty Falcon. Voice Loud
hoarse kjie-kjie-kjie when breeding. Habitat Rocky islands and sea cliffs; often hunts over wetlands.
Note Vagrant Oman, E Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Sooty Falcon Falco concolor MB
L: 32–38. W: 85. Larger than Eurasian Hobby and long-winged like Eleonora’s Falcon, but tail slightly
shorter, with elongated central tail feathers. Adult from dark morph Eleonora’s by slaty-grey
upperparts with darker primaries and outer uppertail; blue-grey underparts (underwings paler)
without Eleonora’s contrasting underwing pattern. Female darker than male. Juvenile from similar
Eurasian Hobby and pale morph Eleonora’s (adult and juvenile) by greyer upperparts with darker
wing-tip, less clearly streaked underparts, the spot-streaks almost merging on upper breast;
lightly marked dusky underwing has dark wing-tip and trailing edge (Eleonora’s has dark coverts
contrasting with paler flight feathers; Eurasian Hobby has uniform underwing); undertail finely
barred except near tip (Eurasian Hobby and young Eleonora’s have undertail barred to tip). Flight
recalls Eurasian Hobby but glides on level wings. When perched, wing-tip reaches tail-tip or slightly
beyond. Breeds late summer, feeding young on autumn migrants. Voice Shrill ringing alarm kee-kee-
kee at nest site. Habitat Colonial on islands, inland desert cliffs; usually nests in hole. Note Passage
hatched; vagrant Kuwait.
Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo PM
L: 32–36. W: 74–92. Scythe-like, pointed wings and relatively short tail. Adult has slate-grey
upperparts, uniform tail, prominent moustache and conspicuous white cheeks, densely streaked
underparts with red thighs and undertail-coverts. Juvenile browner above with pale feather
fringes, lacks red thighs and undertail-coverts; told from juvenile Red-footed Falcon by more distinct
breast streaking, darker head with more contrasting face-mask, unbarred uppertail and underwing
pattern. Flight swift and agile; has strong steady wingbeats, short fast glides; accelerates when
hunting birds, soars when catching insects; rarely hovers (and only briefly). Habitat Scattered
woodland, cultivation, open country. Note Passage hatched.