Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1

xx Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

Australian Society for Fish Biology
The Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) (founded in 1971)
promotes research, education and management of fish and fisheries in Australia.
The ASFB Threatened Fishes Committee maintains a current list of the
conservation status of fish taxa in Australian waters, and encourages and promotes
the study and conservation of threatened fishes in Australia.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy protects threatened wildlife on 26 properties
(nearly 4 million ha) across Australia. Our strategy is simple: we establish
sanctuaries by acquiring land and through partnerships with landholders; and we
implement practical land management – feral animal control and fire management

  • informed by good science.

Baw Baw Shire
Baw Baw Shire Council is committed to protecting and sustainably managing the
environment for future generations through programs and services that include,
bushland reserve management, protection of threatened species habitat and native
vegetation and waterway restoration. Council works in partnership with the
community and agencies to deliver this environmental commitment.

BirdLife Australia
BirdLife Australia is a science-based, community led conservation organisation,
with more than 110 000 Australian supporters and over 200 BirdLife partners
internationally. For over 100 years, BirdLife Australia has led the conservation of
Australia’s birds and their habitats through science-based research, practical action
and independent advice.

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