Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1
13 – Insights from multi-species mammal monitoring programs in the Upper Warren^181

used in the region (Figs 13.1, 13.2). The various monitoring components (done for
different purposes, by different people, focusing on different species, using
different sampling methods and protocols across a range of spatio-temporal scales),
their subsequent coordination and methodological standardisation in 2006, and
the synthesis of the results are reported in detail elsewhere (Wayne 2008; Wayne et
al. 2017). The combined monitoring effort includes >154 000 trap-nights, >500
spotlight surveys, 13 000 sand plot assessments and >2600 nest-box checks.
Monitoring involved 19 (14 native, five exotic) out of the 30 (16 native, 14 exotic)
non-volant extant mammal species in the region. There were sufficient data to
investigate population trends for 14 of these taxa (11 native, three exotic), including
six of the eight past or current threatened mammal species extant in the region

Fig. 13.1. Monitoring sites used to assess mammal changes (1971–2014) in the Upper Warren region,
south-western Australia. Dashed line indicates regional subdivision (Greater Kingston and Perup) and the
rectangle (fine dotted line) in Yackelup indicates Perup Sanctuary (established in 2010). Note there are also
nest box transects along Boyicup, Moopinup and Warrup trapping transects.

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