26 – Involving volunteers in threatened plant monitoring in South Australia^343
regular visits. This would have the added advantage of providing different
skills to the volunteers.
The author would like to thank the following people for their advice and
contributions to this chapter: Erica Rees (Northern and Yorke Threatened Flora
Officer, Trees For Life, SA); Kylie Moritz (Landscape Resilience Officer, Natural
Resources South Australian Murray–Darling Basin Region, DEWNR); Amelia
Hurren (Manager, Bush For Life Program, Trees For Life, SA); Peter Copley (Senior
Ecologist, Conservation and Land Management, DEWNR) and Rick Davies
(Threatened Flora Ecologist, Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges
Region, DEWNR).
BDBSA (2016) Vascular plants BDBSA taxonomy. Biological Data Bases of South
Australia, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South
Australia, http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/Science/Information_data/
Clarke A, Robertson MA, Pieck A (2013) ‘Recovery plan for Acanthocladium dockeri
(Spiny Daisy) 2013’. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources,
South Australia.
DEWNR (2016) Census of South Australian Plants, Algae and Fungi. Department of
Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia, <http://www.f lora.
Friends of Parks (2016) Website information. Friends of Parks Inc., Adelaide, <ht t p://
Native Orchid Society of South Australia (2016) NOSSA Report 2012 – 2016. Native
Orchid Society of South Australia, Adelaide, https://nossa.org.au/2016/09/30/
Trees For Life (2016) Website information. Trees for Life, Adelaide, https://www.