418 Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities
practitioners and their respective organisations (n = 18), are still informative in
revealing the range of perspectives and key issues being faced by prominent
Australian government agencies, non-government organisations and academic
institutions involved in threatened species monitoring. Practitioners represent
monitoring programs that cover a diverse range of threatened taxa (birds,
mammals, plants, fish, reptiles and amphibians) from both terrestrial and aquatic
environments, with programs operating at local to national levels.
Fig. 34.3. Processes for the integration of monitoring programs with management according to institutional
category. Responses given in bold were cited by more than half of respondents in an institutional category.
Fig. 34.4. The extent to which decision triggers are embedded in monitoring programs according to
institutional category. Reasons for not implementing decision triggers relate primarily to inadequate data and
limitations in understanding what management actions would be required.