444 Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities
indicator species 19 6, 219, 220
Indigenous bilby festival 325
Indigenous biocultural knowledge
(IBK) 3 22–31
Indigenous communities,
par tnerships 3 46 –7
Indigenous engagement 35 1–6, 371
Indigenous food animals see Kuka
Indigenous land management 32 1–31,
Indigenous lands, monitoring on 32 1–
Indigenous law see Jukurrpa
Indigenous people, and shorebird
monitoring 1 55–6
Indigenous Protected Areas 34 7, 351
Indigenous Rangers 15 5–6, 321–31,
347, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356
insurance populations 65 , 186, 255,
International Tundra Experiment
(ITEX) 104
interventions, testing 376
irruptive desert species 27 9–89
Isoodon obesulus 180, 182, 259
Jukurrpa 322 , 324, 327
Kakadu National Park 24 0, 255, 257,
261, 262, 271, 272
Karakamia sanctuary 247
King Island brown thornbill 47
knowledge, of ecological systems 21 2,
Indigenous 38 , 155, 322–31, 354
knowledge of fish, by anglers 97
knowledge sharing 32 3–31, 414–15
koomal 180, 182
Kuka 322
k wara 182
Lagorchestes hirsutus 248, 255
Lamb Range 347
Land and Sea Rangers 155
land management, Indigenous 32 1–31,
large brown tree frog 17 1, 172
Lasiorhinus krefftii 27
Lathamus discolor 360, 361
Lazarus’ phenomenon 25
Leadbeater’s possum 25 , 27, 193–201,
397, 400–2, 404, 409
leaf-scaled sea snake 72 –3
legislation, Australian 10 2, 103–4,
Leipoa ocellata 235–6, 32 7, 387–95
Lepidochelys olivacea 74
Lepidodactylus listeri 72, 255
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides 90
lesser hairy-footed dunnart 27 9,
281–5, 287
letter-winged kite 50
Limosa lapponica 157
Liopholis kintorei 262, 263–5, 322,
Liopholis slateri 325–6
Lister’s gecko 72 , 255
Litchfield National Park 27 1, 272
Litoria aurea 60
Litoria castanea 59
Litoria littlejohni 171, 172
Litoria lorica 59
Litoria piperata 60
Litoria spenceri 64, 169–70, 172, 173,
Living Planet Index 144
loggerhead turtle 74
logging 194, 196, 197–8, 200, 400–4,
longevity, of monitoring 16
long-nosed potoroo 259
Long-term Ecological Research
Network 3, 107, 116, 243
Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo 30 6–7