Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1

450 Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

Thinornis cucullatus 150, 156, 364,
Threatened Bird Network 36 0, 362
threatened ecological
communities 1 01–20
Threatened Plant Action Group 336
Threatened Species Index 4, 142, 143,
14 4
Threatened Species Strategy 5, 7,
137–8, 141–5
tjakura 2 63–5
Torres Strait Treaty 292
tourism 198
traditional harvesting rights 292 , 295,
Traditional knowledge 38 , 155,
322–31, 354
Traditional Owners 25 9, 262, 263,
321–31, 351, 353–4
translocation, of red-finned blue-
eye 380, 382
trapping, cage 18 0, 347, 348–9, 350
trapping surveys 247
traps, camera 24 7, 286, 317, 347–8,
351, 355, 391, 393
Trees for Life 33 6, 341–2
Trichosurus caninus 195
Trichosurus vulpecula 180, 182
Trichosurus v. vulpecula 219
trigger points 5, 18, 287
Triodia basedowii 281, 282
Trypanosoma copemani 187
Turdus poliocephalus
erythropleurus 261
turtles, monitoring 73 , 74–6
Tympanocryptis pinguicolla 14 0
Tyto novaehollandiae kimberli 50

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park 25 8,
United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity 4–5, 138

unmanned aerial vehicles
( UAVs) 3 0 5 –7
Upper Warren, mammal
monitoring 1 79–90

value of information analysis 21 4,
215 –16
vegetation monitoring 24 6, 333–43
vertebrate monitoring program 18 0,
270–4, 276
Victorian Malleefowl Recovery
Group 392
Victorian Wader Study Group 15 6–7
Vital Signs Monitoring program 24 3,
volunteer effort, and species
recover 3 64–5
volunteer organisations, South
Australia 3 36–7
volunteers, demographics 33 8, 340
engagement 33 4–6, 363
monitoring plants 33 3–43
shorebird monitoring, 161
site knowledge 33 7–8
use of technology 34 0, 342, 350
Vulpes vulpes 180, 182, 186, 218, 232,
236, 255

wa mbenger 180 , 182, 186, 187
western brush wallaby 182
western brush-tailed possum 219
western grey kangaroo 182
western quoll 18 0, 182, 183
western ringtail possum 18 0, 182, 183,
186, 187
western swamp tortoise 74 –6
whales 24
white beauty spider-orchid 341
white-bellied frog 64
white-throated snapping turtle 73
wildfire sensitivity, by wildlife 197 ,
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