Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1
Contents v

Chapter 19 Parks Australia monitoring for threatened species 253
Kerrie Bennison, Judy West and Kim Hauselberger

Section 4 Monitoring program design 267

Chapter 20 Optimising broad-scale monitoring for trend detection: review
and re-design of a long-term program in northern Australia 269
Luke D. Einoder, Darren M. Southwell, Graeme R. Gillespie, Alaric Fisher,
José J. Lahoz-Monfort and Brendan A. Wintle

Chapter 21 Determining trends in irruptive desert species 279
Chris R. Dickman, Aaron C. Greenville and Glenda M. Wardle

Chapter 22 The challenge of monitoring coastal marine mammals 291
Helene Marsh, Lyndon Brooks and Rie Hagihara

Chapter 23 The technology revolution: improving species detection and
monitoring using new tools and statistical methods 303
José J. Lahoz-Monfort and Reid Tingley

Chapter 24 Summary: monitoring frameworks and monitoring program
design for threatened biodiversity 315
Darren M. Southwell

Section 5 Community participation 319

Chapter 25 Threatened species monitoring on Aboriginal land: finding
the common ground between Kuka, Jukurrpa, Ranger work
and science 321
Rachel Paltridge and Anja Skroblin

Chapter 26 Involving volunteers in threatened plant monitoring in South
Australia: the best laid plans of plants and men 333
Doug Bickerton

Chapter 27 Community involvement in monitoring threatened species: a
WWF perspective 345
Jessica Koleck

Chapter 28 What makes a successful citizen science program? 359
Kerryn Herman

Chapter 29 Summary: community participation in monitoring for
threatened biodiversity 369
Natasha M. Robinson, Sarah Legge and Benjamin C. Scheele

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