Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1


This book arose following a workshop in late 2016, hosted by the National
Environmental Science Programme’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub. The
workshop brought about 30 scientists and managers together to discuss ways of
improving monitoring for threatened biodiversity. The workshop participants
(with many other co-authors) went on to produce the chapters for this book. We
thank all the workshop participants and the book chapter contributors for their
time, their care and their dedication to the recovery of threatened species and
ecological communities. We also thank the Australian Government for supporting
the conservation of threatened biodiversity, via the National Environmental
Science Programme.
We thank Lauren Webb, Tracey Kudis and John Manger from CSIRO
Publishing, for their careful steering of this book project. Rachel Morgain (TSR
Hub Knowledge Broker), Jaana Dielenberg (TSR Hub Communications Manager)
and David Salt (Communications Team) helped with the organisation of the
workshop and the book; Natasha Cadenhead helped enormously with editing.
We thank the reviewers for their contribution towards improving the content
of the book, and for carrying out their chapter reviews so speedily: Joss Bentley
(NSW Office of Environment and Heritage), James Brazill-Boast (NSW Office of
Environment and Heritage), Allan Burbidge (WA Department of Parks and
Wildlife), Neil Burrows (WA Department of Parks and Wildlife), Ben Corey (WA
Department of Parks and Wildlife), Hamish Campbell (School of Environment,
Charles Darwin University), Mark Carey (Department of the Environment and
Energy), Nick Clemman (Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research),
Mike Double (Australian Antarctic Division), Will Durack (Kimberley Land
Council), Rod Fensham (Queensland Herbarium), James Fitzsimons (The Nature
Conservancy), Louise Gilfedder (Threatened Species Scientific Committee), Brydie
Hill (NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources), Dave Kendal
(University of Melbourne), Alex Kutt (Bush Heritage Australia), Ivan Lawler
(Department of the Environment and Energy), Nicki Mitchell (University of

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