Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-16 LWW-Govindan-Review December 12, 2011 18:55

194 DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s CANCER: Principles and Practice of Oncology Review

way to identify and eliminate this bias in the context of the trial, so the
intention-to-treat analysis includes all consenting, randomized patients in
the study arm to which they were randomized.

Answer 16.19. The answer is D.
For Phase III trials, it is mandatory to have an independent data-safety
committee that has the power to recommend termination of the study
based on safety concerns, outstanding benefit, or futility. Because the study
leaders have a conflict of interest with respect to the decision to continue
the study, they are not part of the committee.

Answer 16.20. The answer is C.
Even if survival data have no censoring, a survival curve still provides a
better approach for data summary because it takes the length of follow-up
time into consideration. In addition, survival times are usually skewed to
the right, and the conventional means and standard deviations may not
be adequate for data description.

Answer 16.21. The answer is B.
For this study, noninformative censoring means that the probability dis-
tributions of cancer-specific survival are similar for both censored and
noncensored patients. However, patients who have experienced disease
progression are more likely to have a poor prognosis.

Answer 16.22. The answer is B.
Phase 0 trials are first in human trials that help eliminate ineffective and
toxic drugs at a very early stage of clinical development. A small sample
of patients receive a onetime low dose of the study drug at which it is
not expected to cause toxic adverse effects. These trials provide prelimi-
nary pharmacokinetic and pharmcodynamic information that enable the
go/no-go decisions on further evaluation of the study drug. These studies
do require the prior development of an assay to measure the pharmaco-
dynamic end point for the study drug.

Answer 16.23. The answer is B.
In a 2009 review of the website, response rate was the
most frequent (37%) end point in Phase II clinical trials. Universities were
listed as the sponsor for 45% of all clinical trials. Only 7% of all clinical
trials utilized biomarker testing for patient selection.

Answer 16.24. The answer is B.
Meta-analysis allows for combining and summarizing the results from
several therapeutic trials. To achieve meaningful results and avoid bias,
meta-analysis includes only randomized clinical trials including unpub-
lished studies. Studies are not restricted to any particular geographic
region. Furthermore, access to individual patient data and collaboration
of the individual study investigators is required for meta-analysis.
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