LWBK1006-23 LWW-Govindan-Review December 12, 2011 19:10
Chapter 23•Gynecologic Cancers 309
Question 23.1.14.Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE about granulosa cell
tumors of the ovary?
A. They usually occur in premenopausal women.
B. They are usually stage III/IV.
C. Survival of patients with stage I disease is generally good, but they
may relapse later.
D. Survival of patients with stage III/IV disease is poor, and they should
consider chemotherapy.
E. They may be associated with endometrial cancer.
F. C, D, and E.
Question 23.1.15.Which of the following statements is TRUE about germ cell tumors of
the ovary?
A. They occur more often in younger women.
B. They are usually stage III/IV.
C. Appropriate therapy includes TAH/BSO/full surgical staging and
chemotherapy regimens similar to those used in male testicular can-
D. Survival of patients with stage III/IV disease is poor.
E. The chemotherapy will usually result in infertility.
Question 23.1.16.A 51-year-old woman presents to you for recommendations regarding the
treatment of her recurrent ovarian cancer. She was optimally debulked
for stage IIIC serous ovarian carcinoma and completed six cycles of car-
boplatin/paclitaxel 36 months ago with a clinical complete remission.
She now has recurrent ascites, which is histologically positive for tumor
compatible with her original primary. CT scan shows peritoneal carcino-
matosis and a pelvic mass. You should advise her that:
A. Prognosis of recurrent ovarian cancer is poor; she may get short-term
benefit from chemotherapy, but hospice is a reasonable option.
B. Tamoxifen has a 40% chance of shrinking her disease.
C. She has a very high likelihood of disease shrinkage and symptom
palliation with further platinum-based chemotherapy.
D. She has a chance of cure with autologous stem cell transplant.
E. Liver metastases and liver failure will probably be her ultimate cause
of death.
Question 23.1.17.All of the following statements regarding ovarian cancer are true,
A. Endometrioid variants are sometimes associated with endometriosis.
B. Mucinous tumor types are resistant to chemotherapy.
C. Clear cell variant is associated with hypocalcemia.
D. Immunostains on ovarian cancers are typically cytokeratin 7 posi-
tive and cytokeratin 20 negative.