LWBK1006-47 LWW-Govindan-Review December 12, 2011 20:55
586 DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s CANCER: Principles and Practice of Oncology Review
industry funding on dissemination of trial results, including suppression
of adverse findings, delayed or lack of publishing negative results, and
multiple publications of results favorable to industry. Although personal
stock ownership by clinical investigators is a common concern, this is rare
in actual practice.
Answer 47.6. The answer is B.
The Orphan Drug Act of 1983 provides financial incentives to promote
the development of drugs for rare diseases including the potential for
7 years of marketing exclusivity on drug approval, tax incentives, and
eligibility for orphan drug research grants.
Answer 47.7. The answer is C.
Nonvoluntary active euthanasia is the intentional administration of
medicine or other interventions in patients who are incompetent and
unable to consent. Provision of a medicine that a patient can use to com-
mit suicide, termination of life-sustaining treatments, and causing death
in a competent patient who did not consent the procedure are examples
of physician-assisted suicide, passive euthanasia, and involuntary active
euthanasia, respectively.
Answer 47.8. The answer is D.
Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are legal in Belgium
and the Netherlands, with the latter also being legal in Switzerland and
the US state of Oregon. Passive euthanasia is considered ethical but invol-
untary active euthanasia is considered unethical and is not known to be
legal in any country.
Answer 47.9. The answer is B.
Genetic testing may be advisable for people with increased susceptibility
to cancer because of family history or other predisposing factors. Such
information may help guide patients and their families to seek further
interventions, such as early mammography or prophylactic mastectomy
in patients with BRCA1 mutations. Testing may be associated with poten-
tial psychological, social, or economic harm, and a proper informed con-
sent process should include discussion about the pros and cons. Genetic
counselors may provide help in this process.
Answer 47.10. The answer is A.
Quality measurement refers to the practice of evaluating care processes
to bring about improvement and include structural, process, and out-
come measures. Structural measures evaluate characteristics of providers
or the care system, such as rates of board certification or volume of pro-
cedures. Process measures examine the actions taken by providers, such
as delivery of a specific care component that has been demonstrated to
be favorable for patient outcomes based on clinical trials or guideline