The framework for biodiversity conservation 91
Table 4.1 Government agencies and their functions in biodiversity
National government Function and authority
conservation agencies
COA, Executive Yuan Responsible for the Cultural Heritage Preservation
Act (1982), the Wildlife Conservation Law
(1989), the Forestry Law (1932) and the Fishery
Act (1929)
Council for Cultural Shared responsibility for the Cultural Heritage
Affairs, Executive Yuan Preservation Act
Environmental Responsible for the planning, promotion and
Protection coordination of Taiwan’s biodiversity
Administration conservation policies
Ministry of Interior In charge of ecological conservation for Taiwan’s
national parks and coastline areas
Ministry of Economic In charge of the import/export of rare animals and
Affairs plants, and the development and conservation of
water resources
Ministry of In charge of the conservation of Taiwan scenic
Transportation and areas
Local government Function and authority
conservation agencies
County (city) Agriculture Bureau or Economic Affairs Bureau
governments for every county/city government in Taiwan
province, Construction Section, Kinmen country
Yuan-controlled Department of Economic Development, Taipei
municipalities city government, Department of Economic
Development, Kaohsiung city government
Forestry and Natural Compliance responsibilities
Conservation Police
Source: The conservation website for wildlife protection, Council of Agriculture: