- Ibid, pp. 164–66; for analysis of costs and benefits to the Three Gorges Dam, also see Wang
Ru-shu (2000), ‘The environment and resettlement of TGP’, Resources and Environment in
the Yangtze Basin, 9 (1) (February), 1–13 (in Chinese and English). - China Daily, ‘China’s Internet Users Reach 103 Million’, 22 July, 2005, p. 2.
- Personal interview with ENGO representative, Beijing, 23 June, 2004.
- Personal interview with forestry professor, Beijing, 10 January, 2005.
- Leng Tse-Kang (2004), ‘Sustainable development in Taiwan: comparative and international
perspectives’, in Paul Harris (ed.), Confronting Environmental Change in East and
Southeast Asia, London: Earthscan, Chapter 14. - National Council for Sustainable Development, 2004 Annual Report on National
Sustainable Development, p. 36, http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/nsdn/en/PRINT/93Annual.pdf. - National Sustainable Development Network, ‘Biodiversity action plan’,
http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/nsdn/en/biodiversity/index.htm. - Interview with Hu Sicong, Associate Research Fellow, National Policy Research
Foundation, 7 September, 2005. - Interview with Cao Yihui, journalist for China Times, 2 September, 2005, Taipei.
- Interview with Cai Dinggui, Deputy Director, EPA, 15 September, 2005, Taipei.
- Zhang Lonsheng (2002), ‘Wogou Yongxu Fazhan de Wenti yu Tiaozhan’ [Problems and
Challenges of Taiwan’s Sustainable Development] (in Chinese), NPF Research Report,
31 October, p. 9.
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