Governance of Biodiversity Conservation in China And Taiwan

(Kiana) #1

  1. Ibid, pp. 164–66; for analysis of costs and benefits to the Three Gorges Dam, also see Wang
    Ru-shu (2000), ‘The environment and resettlement of TGP’, Resources and Environment in
    the Yangtze Basin, 9 (1) (February), 1–13 (in Chinese and English).

  2. China Daily, ‘China’s Internet Users Reach 103 Million’, 22 July, 2005, p. 2.

  3. Personal interview with ENGO representative, Beijing, 23 June, 2004.

  4. Personal interview with forestry professor, Beijing, 10 January, 2005.

  5. Leng Tse-Kang (2004), ‘Sustainable development in Taiwan: comparative and international
    perspectives’, in Paul Harris (ed.), Confronting Environmental Change in East and
    Southeast Asia, London: Earthscan, Chapter 14.

  6. National Council for Sustainable Development, 2004 Annual Report on National
    Sustainable Development, p. 36,

  7. National Sustainable Development Network, ‘Biodiversity action plan’,

  8. Interview with Hu Sicong, Associate Research Fellow, National Policy Research
    Foundation, 7 September, 2005.

  9. Interview with Cao Yihui, journalist for China Times, 2 September, 2005, Taipei.

  10. Interview with Cai Dinggui, Deputy Director, EPA, 15 September, 2005, Taipei.

  11. Zhang Lonsheng (2002), ‘Wogou Yongxu Fazhan de Wenti yu Tiaozhan’ [Problems and
    Challenges of Taiwan’s Sustainable Development] (in Chinese), NPF Research Report,
    31 October, p. 9.

The framework for biodiversity conservation 99
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