- Liu Tsung-yung (2000), ‘Looking at the Binnan assessment’, 1 March, 2000, unpublished
manuscript. Liu is the EPA’s Director of the Environmental Impact Assessment section. - Chiu Yu-tzu (1999), ‘Environmentalists take aim at speedy passage of Binnan Industrial
Project’, Taipei Times, 20 October, p. 3. - Taiwan Xinsheng Bao, 18 October, 2000.
- Lienho Bao, 30 August, 2001.
- Zhongguo Shibao, 17 October, 2001.
- Zhongguo Shibao, 27 October, 2001.
- Personal interview with an oyster farmer, 3 April, 2005.
- Personal interview with ENGO representative, Qigu, 1 April, 2005.
- Personal interview with ENGO representative, Qigu, 1 April, 2005.
- Personal interview with professor, Tainan, 1 April, 2005.
- See http://www.nujiang.ngo.cn/Frontpage/01.htm/en (last acccessed 17 August, 2005).
- For characteristics of the area, see Li Zhixi (2004), ‘Remote sensing analysis of the World
Nature Heritage Area’ (in Chinese), Forest Resource Management, (2) (April), 47–50. - See http://www.irn.org/programs/nujiang (last accessed 15 August, 2005).
- For one of the earliest accounts of environmental damage from hydroelectric power
production, see Vaclav Smil (1993), China’s Environmental Crisis, Armonk, NY: ME
Sharpe, pp. 111–21. - Personal interview with biological science professor, Beijing, 17 May, 2005.
- A director of the company is the son of former Premier Li Peng.
- See http://gbcc.org.uk/30article3.htm (last accessed 15 August, 2005).
- See http://www.gbcc.org.uk/30article3.htm (last accessed 10 August, 2005).
- Ibid.
- Cited in Zhan Gao (2004), ‘Proposed Nu River hydroelectric dam causes controversy’, The
Epoch Times, 30 March. - See Weekend Standardcoverage, at http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Weekend/
GD16Jp01.html (last accessed 15 August, 2005). - In addition to serious ecological destruction, dam construction invariably required massive
resettlement. From 1994–2004, over 800000 people were resettled from the Three Gorges
Dam project, and they fared far less well than the government promised. See Liang Chao
(2004), ‘Bidding farewell to Three Gorges’, China Daily, 15 July, p. 5. - See http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-05/fm-fmg051704.php.
- See http://www.greengrants.org/grantstories.php?news_id=69.
- Ibid.
- Ta Kung Pao, 2 April, 2004.
- Yardley, Jim (2004), ‘China’s Premier orders halt to a dam project threatening a “Lost
Eden”’, New York Times, 2 April. - One of our respondents reported that SEPA had done research on the value of biodiversity
in the region as compared to power production. Their finding was a ratio of 1.6 to 1 – the
cost factor was 1.6 and the benefit factor was 1. Personal interview with SEPA official,
Beijing, 8 January, 2005. - Personal interview with policy analyst, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,
23 May, 2005. - Tang, Shui-yan, Ching-Ping Tang and Carlos Wing-Hung Lo (2005), ‘Public participation
and environmental impact assessment in Mainland China and Taiwan: political foundations
of environmental management’, Journal of Development Studies, 41 (1) (January), 25. - Personal interview with botanists and conservation biologists, CAS, Beijing, 19 and 20 May,
2005. - Personal communication from Jennifer Turner, 1 September, 2005. See also Yardley, Jim
(2005), ‘Seeking a public voice on China’s “Angry River”’, New York Times, 26 December,
p. 3. - Yardley (2004), op cit, n. 54, pp. 2–3.
- Personal interview with SEPA official, Beijing, 20 May, 2005.
- Ibid.
- Personal interview with social science analyst, Beijing, 24 May, 2005.
218 Governance of biodiversity conservation in China and Taiwan