linkages to ENGOs 183–4
linkages to parties 166, 187, 197
role of multinational corporations
state-business relations 137–42,
195–6, 227
see alsomultinationals, SMEs, SOEs,
Campbell, David 85
capacity building 53, 115, 119–20, 177,
179–80, 229
captive breeding 50–53
carbon dioxide emissions 11, 202, 205
carbon sequestration 57, 227
Cartageña Protocol on Biosafety 74
Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution
Victims 177
Chang Hung-lin 165
chemical industry 10, 144–5, 153–4, 155
Chen Jiaohua 164
Chen Shui-bian 12–13, 31, 127, 152,
197, 207, 231
Chen Tangshan 200–1, 203, 206–7, 208
Chi Mei group 152
Chiang Kai-shek 25
chilan(orchids) 126–7
exports and imports 150, 153
gross domestic product 136–7
as mega-diversity country 5–7
size 5, 40
sovereignty 17, 222
China Academy for Chinese Culture
China American Petrochemical
Corporation (CAPCO) 144–5
China Biodiversity Information System
China Business Council for Sustainable
Development 148
China Central Television (CCTV) 88
China Council for International
Cooperation on Environment and
Development (CCICED) 64n9, 87,
Biodiversity Working Group 42, 103
China Daily51, 57
China EcoRegional Assessment 60
China Environmental News88, 122
China Environmental Protection
Foundation (CEPF) 175
China Petroleum and Chemical
Corporation (Sinopec) 136
see alsoPetroChina
China Wildlife Conservation Association
(CWCA) 174
China Species Red List4, 42–3, 48–9
China’s Biodiversity: A Country Study
(SEPA) 15n13, 48
China’s Protected Areas(Xie Yan et al.)
72, 103, 223
China’s Second National Report(SEPA)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
4–5, 60, 84
Chinese alligator 52–3, 110
Chinese characteristics of biodiversity
conservation 226–31
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and bureaucracy 193
challenges to 171, 183
economic reform and 28, 29
ideology of 25–6, 29
and social organizations 140, 171
Chinese National Committee for Man
and the Biosphere (MAB) 175
Chinese Ornithological Society 60
Chinese People’s Political Consultative
Conference 211, 212
circular economy 88
CITES annexes 81, 96n24
civil society 138, 161, 169, 180–81, 184,
185–7, 225, 231
Clark, William 159
class struggle 26
climate change 11, 54, 58, 230
coal use 9–10
collectives (jiti) 108
co-management 127–8, 223
command and control systems 143,
comparative analysis 11–13
competition policies 28, 136–7
compliance 29, 66n57, 71, 85–87,
112–3, 194–6
Confucianism 12, 19–20, 141
Conservation International (CI) 111, 114,
179, 180
constitution, Chinese 68
234 Index