television 88–9, 212
mega-charismatic fauna (or flora) 49
mega-diversity country 5, 220
Mencius 19–20
Min River 23
Ming Dynasty 24
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 84, 110
Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA) 171,
Ministry of Construction 76, 84
Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA,
Taiwan) 81, 206
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) 84
Ministry of Interior (MOI, Taiwan)
124–5, 127
mobilization by the state 227–8
Mongolia, Inner 22, 176
monocultural plantations 57, 86, 227
Montreal Protocol 73, 230
Mount Gaoligong Nature Reserve
multinationals 134, 142–9, 184, 223–4,
Myanmar 209
Nanhai Petrochemicals Project 148
National Biodiversity Database (Taiwan)
National Council for Sustainable
Development (NCSD, Taiwan) 82,
National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC) 1, 211
National Environmental Protection
Agency (NEPA) seeState
Environmental Protection
Administration (SEPA)
national key species lists (China) 41–2,
National Park Law (Taiwan) 78, 80, 121,
national parks 109
see alsoprotected areas
National People’s Congress (NPC) 69
National Science Council (Taiwan) 61–2
nature reserves seeprotected areas
Netherlands 119
Ningxia Province 46
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
14–15, 89, 170, 188n27
see alsoENGOs, GONGOs, INGOs
not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)
phenomenon 32, 161, 178
Nujiang case of biodiversity
conservation 1–2, 136, 208–15,
Nujiang River 117, 208–10
Olson, Mancur 139
one-child family policy 28–9
opportunistic strategy of exit 143,
149–50, 152–3, 155, 224
orientations to nature and conservation
elite 18–20, 34
minority 21–2
popular religious 21
see alsoattitudes, environmental
Our Common Future 82
overfishing 10, 59
overgrazing 55
Pacific War 30
Palmer, Michael 69, 75
panda seegiant panda
peak associations 138, 139, 181
pesticide contamination 10, 51
petrochemical industry 144–6, 151–3,
PetroChina 146–8
pluralism 137–8
poaching 11, 51–2, 54, 59, 67n75, 73,
79, 120, 178
policy entrepreneurs 201, 207–8, 216,
policymaking, environmental
Beijing Olympics and 187
bureaucratic obstacles to 85–7, 94–5
changes in 140, 185, 196–7
foreign aid projects 187, 230
scientists and 61–2, 204, 211–12
pollution laws 69
population growth 4–5, 8, 28–9, 34–5
population resettlement 1, 147–8
poverty 115–16, 129, 209, 214
precautionary principle 80, 216
privatization seecompetition policies
protected areas, China
distribution of 46, 50–3, 59, 72, 103–6
evolution of 101–3, 128
Index 239