Shanxi 156000 8100 88 159 59 4 C
Sichuan 567000 68108 384 432 464 63 A
Taiwan 35760 19695 111 560 148 18 B
Xinjiang 1600000 11209 345 328 167 21 A
Xizang 1228000 63203 438 410 163 7 B
Yunnan 394000 91965 741 1360 1040 30 A
Zhejiang 102000 34289 106 310 258 9 C
*The ‘E’ score is the value of endemism of species within the taxa in the particular province. In the words of Mackinnon et al., it is ‘the best index of overall
biodiversity value’ (p. 19).
**‘Priority’ is based on two factors: 1) the importance of the particular province to China’s overall biodiversity, and 2) whether creating additional protected
areas in the province would more than marginally improve conservation of endangered species.
Source: Adapted by the authors from John Mackinnon et al. (1996), A Biodiversity Review of China, pp. 41–45.