Empire Australia - 07.2019

(Sean Pound) #1

The man with the greatest ’tache in movies, Sam Elliott,
talks his long, illustrious career, and killing Bigfoot

doubt about it. The move towards diversity
and the whole #MeToo movement has
been incredibly healthy. I’ve been in
Hollywood a long time, but it’s not like
I’ve been starring in big films with big
stars my entire career. This whole thing,
A Star Is Born, is not what I’ve been
doing. That’s a gift that was given to
me just over the last couple of years.

Bradley Cooper wanted only you
for that Star Is Born role as his
older half-brother. Did he tell you
that upfront?
He was very upfront. I’d never met
Bradley, though I’d always admired him
as an actor. I went to Warner Bros. [to
meet him], not really knowing what to
expect. We talked about a lot of personal
stuff, things that had nothing to do
with the film, and then he played this
soundtrack. He’d been working with this
voice coach and said, “This is going to

OVER A MORE than 50-year career, Sam Elliott has shown
himself capable of adding humanity, depth and (when the
occasion requires) a big, bristling moustache to any role, from
Road House (1989) to The Big Lebowski (1998). Recently he’s
having a killer second, or possibly even third, act, getting a Best
Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for his heartbreaking
turn in last year’s A Star Is Born. And now there’s his latest
film, The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot, which
may sound like an exploitation monster movie but is actually
a thoughtful and rather melancholy character study about a guy
who, er, admittedly does slay the Führer and the Sasquatch. We
asked the man with the best voice in Hollywood to narrate his
own life for a change...

This is not the film people will expect on paper.
The title’s a bit of a misnomer, isn’t it? It was for me when
I read it. There was something about that character, Calvin
Barr. I’ve known a lot of guys who were in the military in the
course of my life, a lot of people that suffered from PTSD.
I thought it was such a lovely treatment of a man.

Yes, it’s one thing to see someone fight off a gang of muggers, but
you rarely see them break down afterwards.
It’s its own reality. That’s why the role spoke to me. I fully
believe that we have a way to teach young men, boys more
often than not, to go to war. But we don’t know how to teach
them to deal with the killing. It was so thoughtful, and
compelling on very many levels.

There seem to be more stories, like this, about ageing than there
used to be in Hollywood.
You’re right, young people used to be everything in the not-
too-distant past. There have been some great films in recent
years, in terms of diversity in general. That said, older women
are still getting pretty short shrift. I’m married to one that was
one of the hottest ladies in town in the ’70s but there’s nobody
that’s knocking on her door asking Katharine [Ross] to work
now. That’s pretty unsettling from a husband’s perspective and a
fellow actor’s perspective. But it’s better than it used to be, no



Right: Sam Elliott
and his magnificent
mo’.. Below: With
co-star and
director Bradley
Cooper in A Star
Is Born (2018)
— which garnered
Elliott his first
❯ Oscar nomination.
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