Empire Australia - 07.2019

(Sean Pound) #1



What one thing do you do better
than anyone else you know?
How do you answer that and not seem
like an asshole? Well... I’m good at
avoiding confrontation. I don’t know
if I’m better than everybody else, but
it’s one of my more skilful skills.

Have you ever knowingly broken
the law?
I have a couple of times. Laws that
nobody really bothers with. I’ve broken
a lot of bicycle laws in New York,
certainly, and when I was a teenager
I hopped onto the Subway without
paying a few times. I got caught, too.
There was a fine, and it wasn’t
insignificant for a young man.

What’s your favourite smell?
When your kids are very small, I like the
way their hair smells. There’s a kind of
baby smell that is very nice, I must say.
It’s a little bit of throw-up mixed with
baby shampoo, which is a perfect
bouquet [laughs]. Or maybe a good
Bourbon. I like that smell. Babies
and Bourbon.

What was the first prize you ever won?
The first I ever remember is ‘Mr
Sunshine’, which I won at summer camp.
At the end of the season, they awarded
people with plaques. You know: ‘Mr
Athlete’, or ‘Miss Congeniality’ [laughs].

I was the one that means you’re not good
at anything, which was ‘Mr Sunshine’.
It meant I was friendly, but I don’t think
I spoke that entire summer.

How much is a carton of milk?
I would say it’s about $1.60. I have no
idea. Usually my butler buys it, so it’s
hard for me to remember [laughs]. In my
defence, since we started using phones or
cards to pay for everything these days,
I’ve started to lose track of how much
things cost.

Which movie have you seen more than
any other?
I’ve watched The Poseidon Adventure a
lot. It’s my boyhood. I love Gene
Hackman in that. “God doesn’t want us
on our knees!”

Do you have a signature dish?
I make very simple pasta that my kids
like, which is a tin of tomatoes, an
enormous chunk of butter, and an onion
that you don’t even chop up. You cook it
for half an hour then throw the onion
out, but it flavours the sauce. I think it’s
a Marcella Hazan famous recipe. I don’t
know if that should be a signature dish
— a cat could make it, it’s so simple —
but it’s really good and they love it.

When were you most starstruck?
When I met Al Pacino as a kid. I think

I was about 12 or 13, and my father [James
Broderick] was in Dog Day Afternoon, so
I went to visit him on set in Brooklyn and
he introduced me to Al Pacino. I was
stunned, I could barely talk. But he was
very friendly, quite shy and soft-spoken.
I remember he was kind of littler than
I would have thought from his movies.

What movie scared you most as a kid?
Night Of The Living Dead. I was pretty
young. Definitely too young to be seeing
that. My sister took me and it was shown
in the basement of a church, naturally,
to add to the terror. I never got over that.

When were you last naked outdoors?
Oh, man. Maybe I never have been.
I mean, I’ve taken outdoor showers, so
I’ve been naked behind lots of layers of
metal... No, I’m never naked outdoors.
The idea of, like, lying nude on a beach
is absolutely unappealing to me. I don’t
want to do that. I don’t want to be there.
I don’t want to do it.

Where do you go when you die?
That is a really big question and I am
very unsure about it. I guess the answer
is simply: I don’t know. I hope that you
go somewhere, but I suspect you don’t,
which I find so upsetting that I try not to
think about it. I’m just going to ignore it,
and then hopefully a safe will fall on me
and that’s that [laughs]. DAN JOLIN



plays Principal
Burr in this
high school
comedy drama
series, adapted
from the
graphic novel
for Netflix.

An epic,
— narrated by
— about
famous Civil
War speech.






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