Empire Australia - 07.2019

(Sean Pound) #1
hove over the horizon, the industry was changing again. CAA,
led by the ferociously ambitious Mike Ovitz, was the new
powerhouse agency in town. Ovitz’s Armani-clad shock troops
flooded the business. Deals were done at discreet power-lunches
rather than at dope-tinged dinners up in the hills. Talent was
managed by teams rather than individual agents. The
corporatism that was defining Reagan’s America asserted itself
ever more strongly in Hollywood, and Mengers became a
woman out of time. Applying the tin lid to Mengers’
professional collapse, Barbra Streisand signed with CAA.
In March 1986 she called her clients with the news she was
retiring. “It’s not fun anymore,” she told Michael Caine, whose
career she had looked after for nearly 20 years. A brief return a
few years later, to William Morris, was a disaster. Phone calls
to her previous clients, many of whom she had expected to
re-sign, went unanswered, or she was politely declined.
She withdrew to her house where the parties continued,
but slowly became smaller affairs, a few people arranged
around a pair of couches in her living room. She could still
attract the A-list. Sean Penn, Jennifer Aniston, Carrie Fisher
and Robert Downey Jr. were among attendees. But events
had the air of being a slowly misting window looking onto
a Hollywood that had all but ceased to exist.
“I remember the last time I saw her very clearly,” says
Medavoy. “I went to her house for lunch. We talked for a
little bit and she said, ‘Do you mind if I pull out a cigarette?’
Obviously, it was weed. She said, ‘You know, I need to lie

The Chopper

Invited back to his high school for
a reunion, wild-man producer Don
Simpson arrived via helicopter, landing
on the football pitch. He emerged with
a Playboy model on each arm, shook
hands with each teacher and fellow
alumni, then immediately returned to
the helicopter and took off again.

The Deep Freeze
Producer Joel Silver had an ear-splitting
row with an executive on Hudson Hawk.
So he set off to the nearest ice-cream
parlour to unwind, ordering a scoop of
every single dessert on offer. “Our table
of three is STACKED with every variation
of banana split and sundae,” wrote
Richard E. Grant, who was there, in his
diary. “This binge cools him down and
I sorely wish the script went halfway to
capturing this sort of frenzy.”

The Nozzle

Agent Bill Haber was rebuffed by future
studio head Sherry Lansing in the
mid-1970s. So Haber, a master of the
charm offensive, told her she was going
to be showered with gifts — and
proceeded to deliver 50 shower caps to
her office. Then 50 umbrellas, and so on
for 10 days, until she laughingly gave in,
indicating that she was throwing in the
towel by sending him one.

The Power

For years, a tale swirled around
Hollywood about producer Jon Peters:
that he used the Sony jet to send flowers
to Norwegian-Swedish supermodel
Vendela Kirsebom, leaving Bruce Willis
stranded at an airport. It seemed like an
urban myth, until 2017, when Peters
confirmed in an interview that it was true
— and that it paid off. NICK DE SEMLYEN


down.’ So we went to her bedroom and I
stayed for about 15 minutes and then left.
And that was it. Shortly thereafter she
died. I felt sad for her. But I felt I didn’t
really know who she was — with her it was
all about fiction. It had been a totally
male-dominated industry and she
absolutely had to fight her way to the top.
But was the character she’d created real? I
don’t know. I know she’d be really happy
you were writing a piece about her. I
wouldn’t want to deny that for her.”
On 15 October 2011, Sue Mengers,
who had beaten the odds to become one
of the most powerful, divisive, coruscating
figures in Hollywood, and had proved that
women could make it all the way to the
top, passed away aged 81. Boaty
Boatwright and a few of Sue’s former
clients, her sparklies, took her ashes to
Paris, where she had had happy times with
Jean-Claude, and scattered them. “It took
a while,” Boatwright said, adding, in a
sting worthy of the deceased, “Let’s face
it, she was a big girl.”
In every sense, she was. But then,
ALAMY, GETTY, SHUTTERSTOCK maybe it was the pictures that got small.

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