Australian Yoga Journal – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
If making a spiritual journey
to the birthplace of yoga is on
your bucket list—or, if you’ve
been and want to return in a
way that feels more authentic
and connected—read on.
From the must-see places
and pilgrimages to top tips on
how to stay healthy on the
road, here’s what you need
to know before
you plan your trip.

crowded gym, my mat so close to the
student’s next to mine that I couldn’t tell
whose sweat droplets were whose. Like
many Westeners, I was introduced to
yoga as a physical activity—I considered
it a complement to the triathlon
training I was doing at the time—and
thought of it as only that for the first five
or so years I practiced.
Then, I started practicing with a yoga
teacher who dropped lessons about
yoga’s lineage into her classes. That led
me to another instructor, who taught
me even more about this ancient
practice, the origins of which date to
pre-Vedic times (1500–500 BCE) and are
widely believed to have morphed into
the Hatha Yoga that spread during

British colonial rule of India and that
Westerners practice today. The more I
learned, the more I realised that eventually,
I’d want to make a pilgrimage to yoga’s
birthplace so I could understand more
fully the practice I’d come to love.
I had that chance three years ago.
What I learned is that, similar to my
journey on my yoga mat, a meaningful
trip to India can’t just be about taking.
Rather, it should be about studying up
on the places you’ll visit and cultures
you’ll experience, connecting
meaningfully with the people you meet
when you’re there, giving back through
seva (selfless service) work, and, most
important, staying open to learning. It’s
my sincere hope that this guide will help
you do just that.



july 2019

By Meghan Rabbitt

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