Science - USA (2022-04-29)

(Antfer) #1

Because of localization noise and substantial
temporal correlations in the data, simple
analysis methods failed when benchmarked
on simulations (see the supplementary text).
Therefore, we developed Bayesian inference
of looping dynamics (BILD). In BILD, we
coarse-grained the possible conformations of
the TAD (Fig. 3A) into two states: (i) a state of
sustained contact between the CTCF sites,
presumably mediated by cohesin (the“looped
state”), and (ii) all other possible conforma-
tions, including partial extrusion, random
contacts, and the fully unlooped conforma-
tion (the“unlooped state”). While the looped
state relies on CTCF activity, the unlooped
state reflects extrusion without bridged CTCF
boundaries, resembling theDCTCF condition.
On the basis of the MSD~t0.5scaling observed
in Fig. 2D, we modeled the unlooped state as
a free Rouse chain calibrated to theDCTCF
data (fig. S10). To model the looped state, we
introduced an additional bond between the
two CTCF sites (Fig. 3B); this bond is switch-
able, allowing transitions between the looped
and unlooped states. The length of the bond
was set to reproduce the 10-kb distance be-
tween the fluorophores, usingDRAD21 as
reference for a free 515-kb chain (see the
supplementary text). Finally, by using a hierar-
chical Bayesian model ( 31 ), BILD then exploited
the different spatiotemporal dynamics of the
looped state to infer which segments of each
trajectory were in the looped state (purple
segment in Fig. 3A). When tested on 3D

polymer simulations with experimentally
realistic noise, BILD accurately inferred both
the looped fraction and the loop lifetime
summary, BILD allows us to distinguish
CTCF- and cohesin-mediated looping from
mere proximity.
We next used BILD to infer looping in our
experimental trajectory data (Fig. 3, C to F).
BILD revealed that theFbn2TAD was fully
looped ~6.5% (~3%) of the time, but spent
~93.5% (97%) of the time in a fully unlooped
or partially extruded conformation (Fig. 3E).
We use brackets to indicate the looped frac-
tion after false-positive correction (fig. S12;
the corrected looped fraction was ~6% when
we calibrated BILD using a 15-kb fluorophore
distance; fig. S13). By contrast, we observed
a minimal looped fraction of ~2% (~0%) in
DRAD21 andDCTCF and ~4% (~1%) in C65
(DCTCFsites), whereas the looped fraction
was increased to ~10% (~6%) inDWAPL, con-
sistent with WAPL unloading cohesin from
chromatin ( 29 ).
looped state (Fig. 3, D and F). Accurate mea-
surement of loop lifetimes from finite trajecto-
ries can be challenging when trajectories begin
or end in the looped state, so that it is unclear
how long the looped period truly lasted (e.g.,
the looped state in theDWAPL trajectory in
Fig. 3D existed an unknown time before the
start of the movie). This problem, known in
medical statistics as“censoring,”can be solved

using the Kaplan-Meier survival estimator.
Using this approach, we obtained censoring-
corrected survival curves (Fig. 3D) of the looped
state, from which we estimated the median
loop lifetime (Fig. 3F). Orthogonal to this non-
parametric analysis, we also fitted an exponen-
tial model, yielding similar estimates. Together,
these results give an estimate of the median
loop lifetime of ~10 to 30 min in C36 (WT)
(Fig. 3F and fig. S12D). These results revealed
and dynamic (median ~10 to 30 min; mean
~15 to 45 min). Thus, during an average ~12-hour
mESC cell cycle, the looped state will occur
approximately one or two times, lasting cumu-
latively ~20 to 45 min, but the remaining
~11.5 hours will be in the partially extruded
or fully unlooped conformations.
To understand whether a low looped frac-
tion of ~3% is consistent with a clear and
strong corner peak in the Micro-C map, we
set up polymer simulations with loop extru-
sion. Consistent with recent reports, we
found that CTCF-mediated stabilization of
cohesin was necessary to reproduce both of
these features in our simulations (Fig. 4
and fig. S14). We confirmed this effect using
inverse fluorescence recovery after photo-
bleaching (iFRAP) of cohesin, finding that
CTCF depletion decreased cohesin residence
time (fig. S15). Incorporating this effect, we
then simulated loop extrusion with a cohe-
sin density of 1/240 kb and processivity of
150 kb (processivity = lifetime × extrusion

500 29 APRIL 2022•VOL 376 ISSUE 6592 science.orgSCIENCE

0 2 4 6
Looped fraction [%]


0 5 10 15
Median lifetime [min]

0 20 40 60
Time [min]





Survival x looped fraction


105 106
Genomic distance [bp]

10 −^2

− 1


Contact frequency [arb.]


57.5 58.0 58.5 59.0
Chr18 position [Mb]





Chr18 position [Mb]
10 −4

10 −3

10 −2

10 −1

Contact frequency [arb.]




“True” looped fraction: ~3%; ~2%
Loop lifetime: median: ~10-30 min; mean: ~15-45 min

Fully looped state
most likely likely less likely

Partially extruded and fully unlooped state

Partially extruded: ~92% of the time

processivity: ~150 kb
density: ~1/240 kb

Average values

Cohesins within Fbn2
~1.7 fully within TAD
~2.7 with at least one leg

Fully unlooped: ~6%

probability to stall
cohesin at site: ~12.5%



Anatomy of a TAD

Values estimated from:
experimental data
polymer simulations

Cohesin lifetime-boost
due to CTCF: 4x


Fraction of TAD
extruded: ~61%; ~57%
Fraction of TAD
unextruded: ~39%; ~43%

1 2 3 4 5
Number of cohesins









3D polymer simulations with rare looping recapitulate Micro-C data BILD results on simulations match experiment Cohesins at loop base

95% conf.

Fig. 4. Comprehensive picture of theFbn2TA D.(A) Comparison of Micro-C
data for the C36 (WT) line with in silico Micro-C of our best-fit simulation
map (left) and contact probability scaling (right). (B) BILD applied to the same
simulation (green) compared with C36 (WT) experimental data (blue). (C) Number
of cohesins forming the looped state in simulations (n= 18,789). (D)“Anatomy”of
theFbn2TAD. Quantitative description of theFbn2TAD is shown using both real

data (blue) and our best-fit simulation (green). Cohesin processivity and density and
CTCF stalling probability and lifetime boost are simulation parameters. Fraction of
time in different conformations was extracted from simulation ground truth using
effective tether lengths of 1.1 and 505 kb as cutoffs to define“fully looped”and“fully
unlooped,”respectively. The fraction of TAD that was unextruded was calculated
using the mean tether length over the full simulation.


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