Science - USA (2022-04-29)

(Antfer) #1
SCIENCE 29 APRIL 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6592 451

Instead of a resonating cavity, DM Ra-
dio consists of a radio circuit containing
a charge-storing capacitor and a current-
storing inductor—a carefully designed coil
of wire—both placed in a magnetic field.
Axions could convert to radio waves within
the inductor coil to create a resonating sig-
nal in the circuit at a certain frequency. Re-
searchers can also look for dark photons by
reconfiguring the coil and turning off the
magnetic field.
To read out the signal, Irwin’s scheme plays
on another implication of quantum mechan-
ics, that by measuring a system’s state you
may change it. The researchers couple
their resonating circuit to a second,
higher frequency circuit, so that, much
as in AM radio, any dark matter signal
would make the amplitude of the higher
frequency carrier wave warble. The
stronger the coupling, the bigger the
warbling, and the more prominent the
signal. But stronger coupling also injects
noise that could stymie efforts to mea-
sure dark matter with greater precision.
Again, a quantum trade-off comes
to the rescue. The researchers modify
their carrier wave by injecting a tiny
warble at the frequency they hope to
probe. Just by random chance, that in-
put warble and any dark matter signal
will likely be somewhat out of sync, or
phase. But the dark matter wave can
be thought of as the sum of two com-
ponents: one that’s exactly in sync with
the added signal and one that’s exactly
out of sync with it—much as any di-
rection on a map is a combination of
north-south and east-west. The experi-
ment is designed to measure the in-
sync component with greater precision
while injecting all the disturbance into
the out-of-sync component, making the
measurement more sensitive and ac-
celerating the rate at which the experi-
ment can scan different frequencies.
Irwin and colleagues have already
run a small prototype of the experiment.
They are now building a larger version,
and ultimately they plan one with a coil that
has a volume of 1 cubic meter. Implementing
the quantum sensing is essential, Irwin says,
as without it, scanning the entire frequency
range would take thousands of years.

borrowing hardware from quantum com-
puting. For example, Fermilab’s Chou and
colleagues have used a superconducting
qubit—the same kind Google and IBM use
in their quantum computers—to perform
a proof-of-principle search for dark pho-
tons in a very narrow energy range. Like
a smaller version of ADMX or HAYSTAC,

their experiment centers on a resonating
cavity, this one drilled into the edge of
an aluminum plate. There a dark photon
could convert into radio waves, although at
a higher frequency than in ADMX or HAY-
STAC. Ordinarily, experimenters would
bleed the radio waves out through a hole
in the cavity and measure them with a low-
noise amplifier. However, the tiny cavity
would generate a signal so faint it would
drown in noise from the amplifier itself.
The qubit sidesteps that problem. Like
any other qubit, the tiny superconducting
circuit can act like a clock, cycling between

different combinations of 0 and 1 at a rate
that depends on the difference in energy
between the circuit’s 0 and 1 states. That
difference in turn depends on whether
there are any radio photons in the cavity.
Even one is enough to speed up the clock,
Chou says. “We’re going to stick this artifi-
cial atomic clock in the cavity and see if it
still keeps good time.”
The measurement probes only the am-
plitude of the radio waves and not their
phase, obtaining greater precision in the
former in exchange for greater uncertainty
in the latter, the team reported last year in
Physical Review Letters. It might speed up

dark photon searches by as much as a fac-
tor of 1300, Chou says, and it could be ex-
tended to search for axions, if researchers
could apply a magnetic field to the cavity
while shielding the sensitive qubit.
One group has invented a scheme to
search for WIMPs using another candidate
qubit: a so-called nitrogen vacancy (NV)
center within a diamond crystal. In an NV,
a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in
the crystal lattice and creates an adjacent,
empty site that collects a pair of electrons
that can serve as qubit. A WIMP passing
through a diamond can bump carbon at-
oms out of the way, leaving a trail of
NVs roughly 100 nanometers long, says
Ronald Walsworth, an experimental
physicist at the University of Mary-
land, College Park. The NVs will absorb
and emit light of specific wavelengths,
so the track can be spotted clearly with
fluorescence microscopy.
That scheme has little to do with
quantum computing, but it would ad-
dress a looming problem for WIMP
searches. If current liquid xenon detec-
tors get much bigger, they should start
to see well-known particles called neu-
trinos, which stream from the Sun. To
tell a WIMP from a neutrino, physicists
would need to know where a particle
came from, as WIMPs should come
from the plane of the Galaxy rather
than the Sun. A liquid xenon detector
can’t determine the direction of a par-
ticle that caused a signal. A detector
made of diamonds could.
Walsworth envisions a detector
formed of millions of millimeter-size
synthetic diamonds. A diamond would
flash when pierced by a neutrino or
WIMP, and an automated system would
remove it and scan it for an NV track,
using the time of the flash to determine
the track’s orientation relative to the
Sun and the Galaxy, the team explained
last year in Quantum Science and Tech-
nology. Walsworth hopes to build a
prototype detector in a few years. “I ab-
solutely do not want to claim that our idea
would work or that it’s better than other ap-
proaches,” he says. “But I think it’s promising
enough to go forward.”
Physicists have proposed many other
ideas for using quantum sensors to search
for dark matter, and the influx of money
should help transform them into new tech-
nologies, Zurek says. “Things can move
faster when you’re funded,” she says. As
tool builders, dark matter hunters embrace
that push. “They have a great hammer, so
they started looking for nails,” Walsworth
says. Perhaps they’ll bang out a discovery

A chip that could sense dark photons (top) and an axion detector,
HAYSTAC, could fit on a tabletop despite their high sensitivity.
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