Science - USA (2022-04-29)

(Antfer) #1


SCIENCE 29 APRIL 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6592 471

“off-the-shelf” CAR-T cell
therapy option. —DAE
Sci. Immunol. 7 , eabl3642 (2022).

Converting forces
into ionic signals
Piezoelectric materials can
convert mechanical forces into
electrical signals and are used
as the active material in many
pressure sensors. However,
biological systems tend to be
based on the movement of ions
rather than electrons. Dobashi
et al. looked at the piezoionic
effect of several kinds of hydro-
gels. Hydrogels are designed
so that the anions and cations

The spinal circuit for
pleasant touch
Pleasant touch (e.g., cuddling,
caressing, and patting) encodes
positive hedonic information that
facilitates emotional bonding,
affiliative behavior, and the well-
being of social animals. Despite
its profound importance, how
pleasant touch information is
encoded and transmitted from
sensory neurons to the spinal
cord remains unknown. Liu et al.
identified interneurons in lami-
nae II of the spinal cord dorsal
horn that express prokineticin
receptor 2, as well as sensory
neurons that express the ligand
prokineticin 2 that are involved

in the encoding and transmit-
ting of pleasant touch. Genetic
ablation of these neurons
selectively abolished the place
preference that mice developed
in a pleasant touch–condi-
tioned place preference test.
However, the sensation of pain
and itch remained unaffected
in the mutant animals. —PRS
Science, abn2479, this issue p. 483

A CAR for killing,
not toxicity
Chimeric antigen receptor
T (CAR-T) cell therapies are
approved by the US Food
and Drug Administration for

treating blood cancers but
are often limited by toxicities
and difficult and expensive
production. Developing
more-streamlined CAR-T cell
therapies is crucial. Vasic et
al. used mouse and human
double-negative (DN) T cells
as a CAR-T cell therapy, which
showed robust efficacy in
mouse models of blood and
lung cancers. They found that
the DN CAR-T cells were just as
effective as conventional CAR-T
cells but induced no toxicity.
The DN CAR-T cells could be
produced from mixed donors,
were not rejected from hosts,
and could be frozen for long
periods of time, suggesting
that they could be an attractive


Edited by Michael Funk


Spatial variation in lagoon habitats at the
Clerke Reef atoll has given rise to corals with
increased tolerance to heat.


Local adaptation
in coral reefs


he Clerke Reef atoll at the Rowley
Shoals in Western Australia provides
a model habitat with which to
study how spatially varying selec-
tion drives ecological divergence.
Studying the broadcast spawning coral
Acropora tenuis, Thomas et al. examined
individuals from lagoon and reef-flat loca-
tions through genome and transcriptome
sequencing combined with common
garden heat-stress experiments. Corals
in the lagoon were shown to be more heat
tolerant, and the gene expression base-
line also differed between the two sites.
Understanding existing genetic variation
across habitats could help to protect and
manage reefs in the upcoming decades.
—MM Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.abl9185 (2022).
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