New Zealand Listener – June 08, 2019

(Tuis.) #1



Star Wars: The Force Awakens

(TVNZ 2, 7.00pm). JJ Abrams

manages the trick of making

Star Wars both new and

familiar: it’s basically the same

plot as The Return of the Jedi,

down to a droid (BB-8) car-

rying important information

and a Death Star that needs

to be destroyed (when will

the Empire learn?). But with

a canny infusion of new faces

(Daisy Ridley, John Boyega,

Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver),

old faces (Harrison Ford, Carrie

Fisher and, ah, Chewbacca),

and a sprightly script from

Lawrence Kasdan (The Empire

Strikes Back) and Michael Arndt

(Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story
3 ), the movie works on every
level. (2015)

The Edge of Seventeen (Three,
8.45pm). An excellent coming-
of-age film in which Hailee
Steinfeld just manages to
remain engaging. Her high-
school junior is infuriating,
dramatic and self-absorbed

  • in other words, a typical
    annoying teen. Yet there are
    issues, such as the loss of her
    father when she was 13, an
    image-conscious mother (Kyra
    Sedgwick), and a best-friend
    betrayal. Woody Harrelson’s
    teacher offers hilariously
    laconic advice. (2016)

Predator (TVNZ Duke, 9.25pm).
Fear and loathing in Central
America: coming at the end
of the Iran-Contra era, the
first Predator is lean, mean and
doesn’t outstay its welcome.
Ah-nuld and his Special Forces
buddies are hunted by an
alien with advanced technol-
ogy. That’s it, although Arnie’s
descent into primitivism
towards the end has a touch
of the Kurtz about it. (1987)

Any Given Sunday (TVNZ 2,
11.15 p m). In his manic, epic
football movie, Oliver Stone
depicts the US in microcosm:
white people in charge of black

players, a woman (Cameron
Diaz) trying to be more manly
than the men, a corrupt doctor
(James Woods) and a brutal
yet idealistic father figure (Al
Pacino). Typically unsubtle
(there’s quite a lot of shout-
ing), yet much like Stone, it’s
never boring. (1999)

Guardians of the Galaxy (TVNZ
2, 8.10pm). The space opera
that came out of nowhere:
the Guardians were obscure
characters until relative
newbie James Gunn (who
co-wrote the script with Nicole
Perlman, the first woman to
write a Marvel movie) got

A Guide to the Week’s Viewing

TV Films

Star Wars: The
Force Awakens,


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