The Times Magazine - UK (2022-04-30)

(Antfer) #1

36 The Times Magazine



Serves 4-6

Chargrilling courgettes brings out their
sweetness. The dressing is light, sharp and zingy.

  • 70ml olive oil

  • 6 large courgettes, green and yellow

  • A few large handfuls of watercress or
    other peppery leaves

  • 50g toasted hazelnuts (optional)

For the whipped feta

  • 200g feta, drained

  • 180g Greek yoghurt

  • 2 tbsp tahini

  • Zest and juice of 2 limes

For the dressing

  • 2 green chillies

  • 12g sea salt

  • Handful mint leaves, plus extra for garnish

  1. Blitz the feta and yoghurt with the tahini,
    lime zest and 1-2 tbsp olive oil. Set aside.

  2. Dry-roast the green chillies in a dry frying

pan until blackened in spots all over, then
whizz with 50ml water, the salt, mint leaves,
50ml lime juice and 25ml olive oil.

  1. Cut the courgettes lengthways into 2cm
    slices and toss in 1-2 tbsp oil. Grill on a griddle
    or over a barbecue until nicely coloured on
    each side, turning with tongs. Once they are
    coloured and tender but not mushy, remove
    them from the barbecue onto a serving plate.

  2. Spoon the whipped feta onto a pretty platter,
    followed by the courgettes. Drizzle with
    some of the lime dressing. Strew with the
    watercress, then top with toasted hazelnuts,
    if using, and some mint leaves. Dress with a
    little more chilli-lime dressing and serve.


Makes 2 bowls

These nuts, inspired by the classic bar nuts
found across Oaxaca and Veracruz, are smoky
and dressed with fresh lime. They make a
great start to any party.

  • 250g cashew nuts

  • 250g skin-on almonds

  • 2 garlic cloves

    • 1 tbsp fennel seeds

    • 1½ tbsp cumin seeds

    • 1-2 tsp mild sweet chilli flakes,
      for example Urfa or ancho

    • 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika

    • 3 tbsp sunflower oil

    • Juice of 1 lime

    • 3 tsp flaky sea salt

    • 2 tsp golden caster sugar

    1. Preheat the oven to 170C (190C non-fan).
      Put the cashews and almonds onto separate
      baking sheets and put in the oven for
      10 minutes, stirring them after 5 minutes
      so they don’t burn.

    2. Meanwhile, grind the garlic and spices
      in a mortar with a pestle and stir in the
      oil. Remove the nuts from the oven after
      10 minutes and stir in the garlicky oil.
      Pop them back in the oven and roast the
      cashews for another 10-12 minutes until they
      are a pale caramel colour and 4-5 minutes
      more for the almonds.

    3. The second they are out of the oven,
      squeeze over the lime juice, sprinkle with the
      salt and sugar and stir well. As the nuts cool,
      the juice and oil will be absorbed. These are
      exceedingly great with a cold beer.

Found across Oaxaca and Veracruz, these nuts are great with a cold beer

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