The Times Magazine - UK (2022-04-30)

(Antfer) #1
50 The Times Magazine

hen was the last time you were
in a room full of women wearing
heels? At a fashionable dinner in
Notting Hill this month, every
foot was finished with a kitten,
a spike, a Cuban or otherwise.
Nothing higher than four inches,
but heels nonetheless. Pre-Covid,
there would have been at least four pairs of
posh trainers in attendance, maybe a few
sparkly flats.
“We’ve all got a lot of time to make up
for!” our host, a fashion writer, said when
I pointed it out.
Was this part of the new “revenge
dressing” – a trend for giving the pandemic a
sartorially fabulous two-fingered salute as the
world roars back to normality. After two years
of lockdown trainers, boots and Birkenstocks,
high heels have become proof of life.
Yours don’t need to be 6in stilettoes. Mine
were cowboy boots, the cheat’s option. The

The style set are slipping off

their trainers and swapping

their flats for (comfy)

heels, says Harriet Walker.

Plus, the best pairs to buy now







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