Techlife News - USA (2022-04-30)

(Maropa) #1


With rival software developers creating more
advanced and technically-developed video
editing packages, some editors are fighting back
and have penned an open letter to Apple CEO
Tim Cook, arguing that Apple has let Final Cut
Pro fall behind rival tools. The letter also demands
that the company puts more effort and time
into its professional filmmaking app. The letter
was directed to Tim Cook and is reportedly from
“professionals working in Hollywood and other
high-profile movie and TV markets around the
world,” with the piece first praising Final Cut Pro
for offering the “biggest leap forward in editing
technology since the move to digital.” However,
the report then goes on to address some of the
complaints that have been directed towards
Apple in recent years, adding that some users can
no longer use it for their work - “Work that could
easily include productions for your very own Apple
TV+ service,” they add. Although they say that the
software is useful for a large number of years, they
add that “unfortunately in professional film and TV,
editors who use Final Cut Pro are a tiny minority,”
and ask Apple “to promote Final Cut Pro publicly
and add the few remaining features that our
industry has consistently stated are needed.”

Some of the features that the group wants to see
added to Final Cut Pro include public support
and certifying suppliers of third-party products
and services editors use, so Final Cut Pro works
better with “industry-standard workflows.”
They also want Apple to improve Pro Apps
support, and allow Final Cut Pro to be bought
through existing industry suppliers. They also
suggest that a public beta program would allow
developers to have their say on new features,

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