Time-Life - Miracles of Faith - USA (2018-12)

(Antfer) #1






events of the Old Testament: the birth of a child—and a nation


braham, whose story unfolds in the Old
Testament book of Genesis, is one of the
three great biblical patriarchs and an im-
portant figure in Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam.
At age 75, this deeply spiritual man is called by God to
leave his father’s house in Ur, in Mesopotamia. He is to
migrate with his wife, Sarah, his nephew, Lot, some ser-
vants, and a few others to Canaan. God promises to make
Abraham’s offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven.
He also establishes a covenant, promising Abraham that
he will become the founder of a great nation and that his
descendants will inherit the Promised Land. Finally, God
promises that Sarah will “give rise to nations” and kings.
Abraham laughs at the prospect. At the time, he and his
wife are both very old and childless. How can the two of
them possibly give birth to nations?
The Book of Genesis soon describes
Abraham sitting in the entrance to his
tent at midday, near the oak trees of
Mamre. This is his encampment near
Hebron, southwest of modern Jerusa-
lem. Looking up, Abraham sees three
figures approaching and recognizes

them as God’s angelic messengers.
Abraham runs to meet the visitors, bowing down and
humbly imploring them to rest and take refreshment in
the shade. After the three guests have eaten, God speaks
through one of them; they promise they will return in a
year and “your wife Sarah shall have a son.”
This time, it is Sarah’s turn to laugh. God responds
through the angel, “Is anything too wonderful for the
Lord?” And indeed, the promised miracle comes to pass:
Isaac, the second biblical patriarch, is born.
According to the Midrash, a body of Old Testament
commentaries compiled by Jewish rabbinical sages be-
tween A.D. 200 and A.D. 1000, on the day Isaac is born many
sick people are healed, prayers are answered, and formerly
barren women conceive children.
When Isaac is a child, God tests Abraham’s faith by com-
manding him to sacrifice his son, saying, “Take your son,
your only son Isaac, whom you love, and
go to the land of Moriah, and offer him
there as a burnt offering.. .” With a heavy
heart, Abraham sets out to obey—but at
the last minute, Isaac is spared, and the
devout father and son go on to be the pro-
genitors of a great nation. ▪

The Sacrifice of Isaacby
Rembrandt (c. 1635). Abraham
faced the angel who arrived
just in time to affirm his devo-
tion and the futures of two
great leaders.

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