Techlife News - USA (2019-06-22)

(Antfer) #1

to re-enter the passwords.” Using iCloud Drive
for his files, iCloud Photos for his photos and
Messages in the Cloud for his iMessage content,
he was able to bring those files, photos and
messages to his new desktop as if by magic.

Fortunately, Chalmers had originally downloaded
many of his old apps from the App Store, allowing
him to fetch them on his new machine by going
into his purchases tab on that App Store. That
left him just to re-download the software he
had originally installed manually – meaning
that without ever having to dip into Migration
Assistant, he succeeded in getting the whole
system up and running within just two hours
after unboxing his new MacBook Pro.


If you have long used rival cloud services, you
might be reticent about switching to iCloud.
After all, the free allowance of storage for
each iCloud account is just 5GB – and that
quota hasn’t increased since 2011. This is
despite the huge rise in the number of photos
and videos taken on iOS devices – and given
the increasing importance of services revenue
to Apple’s bottom line, the Cupertino company
doesn’t look likely to be more generous on this
particular point any time soon.

However, if you are an avid user of cloud
storage on Mac and iOS devices, you could be
pleasantly surprised by what great value iCloud
represents in the long term. Yes, there remain
alternative cloud services, such as Dropbox, but
many of them have increased in both feature
bloat and price.

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