Techlife News - USA (2019-06-22)

(Antfer) #1


Thanks to Apple’s recent unveiling of iOS 13
and iPadOS 13 and the availability of their beta
forms, it’s not hard to see what many iPhone and
iPad users can eagerly anticipate arriving on the
iCloud front this September. That’s when iOS 13
and iPadOS 13 will get their full public releases –
and users of these operating systems will be
able to share folders from iCloud Drive.

Folder sharing is a feature that iCloud Drive users
have often requested – and with the release
of iOS 13, it will also be possible to use iCloud
for the secure storage of video captured on
HomeKit-ready security cameras. This could
prove a strong boon for smart home owners
entrenched in the Apple ecosystem – especially
as once the video is stored in Apple’s servers, no-
one, including Apple, will be able to access it.

It’s clear, then, that iCloud is not just a thoroughly
accomplished product already; it’s got a
promising, developing future as well. In this light,
it’s hard not to concur with Chalmers’ assessment
that, compared to the likes of Dropbox, “iCloud
Drive looks to be a great long-term alternative”.
The vision that Steve Jobs articulated back in
2011 has finally come to fruition.

by Benjamin Kerry & Gavin Lenaghan
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