Each image of a MojoWorld is the result of a
deterministic computation that results in that
image, just as reliably as adding 1 and 1 yields
- There you have it. Pretty heady stuff, eh?
I say it’s only the beginning, because this newly
revealed universe is infinitely larger than the
universe we inhabit. The universe we inhabit has
four perceptible dimensions: The three spatial
dimensions, plus time. The Mojoverse is infinite-
dimensional. It’s unimaginably huge. So we’ll
never explore more than a tiny, tiny fraction of
it. And, of course, certain parts of it are much
more interesting than others. We’ll have to find
those parts, and the search will never end. Also,
MojoWorld 1.0 is a pretty crude tool, compared
to what’s to come. [The software went to version
3.1.1, Ed.] As a software application, we’ve
designed MojoWorld very carefully, to be able to
grow gracefully as the years go by. So you’ll see
MojoWorld mature into a much richer and more
engaging experience as the future unfolds and
the releases go by.
Faster computers will always reveal more of the
Mojoverse, more gracefully. Ultimately, what
we’re shooting for is the Star Trek holodeck
experience. That, of course, is an ever-receding
“I didn’t start making
images from maths until I
was 33 years old and had
thoroughly forgotten all
maths I’d ever learned.
Rather painful, that, having
to learn it twice! ... Then
came my lucky break: I was
hired by Benoit Mandelbrot,
the father / inventor /
discoverer of fractal
geometry — which is the key
to MojoWorld — to be his
programmer in the Yale
math department.”