`A jacket. Even on the warmest days, a jacket
can still come in handy, early in the morning.
`Water. Bring one or two gallons of water per
day per person, at a minimum, plus an elec-
trolyte-replacement product like effervescent
H2Pro Hydrate or nuun tablets. Dehydration
can end your day early.
`Food. Some kind of snack that gets along
with your body. I'm a fan of temperature-resis-
tant protein bars. Don't assume that there will
be food at the track. You're going to be work-
ing hard when you put in a session’s worth of
quick laps, and you don't want to try new food
in the middle of that kind of physical exertion.
`More food. Some kind of instant just-add-wa-
ter food in its own container, like Cup Noodles
or a sandwich in a cooler.
`Pain reliever. Some kind of anti-infl ammato-
ry (think Advil) for after the day is over, to ease
any muscle aches for the drive home.
`Medication. Anything that you typically need
during the day.
`Spare glasses or contact lenses. I’ve
watched a fellow rider peel his one set of con-
tact lenses off the inside of his helmet visor,
and it looked like a really crappy way to end a
track day.
`Cell phone charger. Just go buy a spare cord
and car power outlet, and leave them both in
the glove box of your transporter.
`A bath towel. Good to wipe down your face or
towel sweat off your hands..
`Sunscreen. Because sunburn can easily ruin
Day Two of a multi-day track excursion.
Final Thoughts
`Get a gear bag and stick your helmet, gloves,
boots, leathers and body armor in it. Put two
pairs of earplugs and a spare set of knee slid-
ers in the pockets. Or hang up the leathers on
a hook above the gear bag, and keep your hel-
met—with the visor partially open—on a shelf
above the bag so they can dry and air out. I
also stick a pair of exercise tights and a span-
dex long sleeve shirt in the bag, in case I for-
get my undersuit. Makes packing for the track
so much simpler it isn't even funny—grab the
gear bag, throw in the leathers and helmet,
and go. Just be sure that it's restocked every
time you get home from the track.
(Above, Left) A basic pit set-up with STT at Barber Motorsports Park, with a small trailer, bike,
stands, tire warmers, folding chair and water. Photo by John Ulrich. (Above, Right) Having every-
thing packed into one bag can be a huge time-saver when loading to go to a track-day event.
Roadracing World, Trackday Directory 2019—29