Roadracing World – April 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
By Michael Gougis


ead to your local club race,
and chances are you'll see
someone who has taken a
perfectly good racebike and “im-
proved” it to the point where it will
no longer complete a six-lap sprint
race. You really don't need to go
that route for a track day bike (or
a racebike!). Think customization,
not radical modifi cation! Get the
bike to fi t you, to work for you,
and in many cases, that alone will
make you smoother, more confi -
dent and faster.
A brief guide to some basic
upgrades, front to back:

`Tires: As covered elsewhere in
this issue, track-oriented tires
offer signifi cant performance im-
provements all on their own, with
no other changes.

`Brake Pads: Street pads are de-
signed to deliver consistent perfor-
mance over thousands of miles of
use. Track-oriented pads deliver
much more braking power at the
cost of a shorter lifespan. Brake
pads are simple to install and of-
fer much more powerful braking
performance and feel.

`Braided Stainless Steel Brake
Lines: Braided stainless steel
brake lines expand less than rub-
ber brake hoses under pressure,
delivering more feel (and more
consistent feel) at the brake lever.

`Master Cylinder: Aftermarket
front brake master cylinders typ-
ically offer more power and feel
than the stock master cylinders,
and offer the ability to select the
amount of power and motion the
rider prefers at the lever. Research
piston sizes and lever length to se-
lect the right master cylinder for
your bike and riding style.

`Fork Springs: Aftermarket
springs are an inexpensive way
to upgrade your suspension per-
formance at the front. Springs
should be selected with the weight
of the bike and rider in mind. Most
spring manufacturers (and all
suspension tuners) will also offer
advice on the amount and viscos-
ity of fork fl uid to use in conjunc-
tion with the new springs.

`Bodywork and Windscreen: A
simple set of upgrades that typ-
ically require a few hours of un-
bolting stock fairings and lights
and bolting the new pieces into
place. Most aftermarket bodywork
is custom-fi t to specifi c machines,
comes marked for drilling, and is
far less expensive than the origi-
nal bodywork to replace after a
crash. And racing windscreens are
lightweight and remarkably clear,
which is a nice upgrade from a
street screen scuffed and scarred
from miles of road use.

`Clip-ons: Racing clip-on handle-
bars offer more adjustability than
stock bars. You can customize the
height, width and in some cases
even the angle of the bars.

`Brake and Clutch Levers: These
can be color-matched to your ma-
chine for the fashion-conscious.
Also typically allow a greater de-
gree of adjustability, smoother op-
eration, and some even fold in a
crash, helping prevent breakage.

(Above) Aftermarket bodywork saves weight, prevents damage to expensive stock fairings, allows you to
customize your color scheme, and generally looks awesome. Photo by (Below, Left)
Stock brake pads are designed to last a long time on the street. Racing brake pads, like these from SBS, wear
out more quickly, but the trade-off is that you get much more braking power and better feel. (Below, Right)
Aftermarket track-only exhausts sound better and make more power. This M4 Racing Performance Exhaust
carbon-fi ber can is signifi cantly lighter than the stock stainless steel muffl er, and looks better as well.

34—Roadracing World, Trackday Directory 2019

Making It More Awesome


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