Race Control – May 2019

(coco) #1


elmets are a continuing phase of
development and while we might
not hear or see of this in the
headlines as much as others things
like aerodynamics ,halo’s and windscreens, the
development and art behind it all still has one
main focus like all these mentioned things and
thats driver safety.
While there are many different types of helmets
on the market today that a driver can chose to
wear or perhaps have a sponsorship deal with as
well , the bottom line fact is they are all very good
brands and all meet very strict safety standards
we figured here at Race Control magazine as part
of the celebration of the 103rd Indy 500 we would
look at another celebration, that of Bell Helmet in a
land mark of over 60 years in the greater sport.
Bell was born in the 1950’s within the California

hot rod and racing scene. Bell founder Roy Richter
built an entire industry anticipating the needs of
those with a passion for speed. People wanted to
drive fast and he knew even then that reputation
and safely would be a big thing. He corralled all
the go-fast parts he could find into the world’s first
speed shop. They wanted to race so in return he
built them race cars as his first venture. Of course
when the need for speed started to reveal some
grim realities, Roy did something about that too
and Bell Helmets was born. 
Roy Richter spent his life removing the limits
of what was possible and his unlimited spirit has
been Bell’s guiding light for over 60 years, earning
the admiration, trust and loyalty of generations of
champions. Throughout these years nearly every
advance on the list of helmet “firsts” were built
under Bell’s auspices. That drive to anticipate and
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