March• 2019 | 99
his hand in my direction and said,
“Well, today is your lucky day. My
name is Mike, I work for the city
engineer’s office, and I’m the genius
who designed this!”
Surprisingly, he still gave me a tip.
Once at my new job, I needed a pen.
I went to the supply cupboard on
my floor, which was locked. I asked
the floor’s administrator, who told
me to go to the main supply room
in the basement. When I headed to
the basement and asked for a pen,
they told me my request had to be
approved by my department head.
She worked in a city hundreds of
kilometres away, so I emailed her
asking if I had permission to get a pen
from the supply closet. I explained
the situation in my first one-on-one
meeting with my boss.
She got up, went to her desk and
grabbed me a handful of pens.
Seen on
Idlers’ Musings
Random thoughts from
office drones counting the
hours till the weekend:
■ Today is the one-year
anniversary of this
six-week project.
■ I keep hoping they’ll
put the two perfectionists
on the same project and
they’ll correct each other
to infinity and stay out of
everyone else’s way.
■ Just once I’d like to spend
more time discussing the
project on a conference
call than we spend asking
“Who just joined?”